What does the perfect burn pot look like for a big e? Should you be able to see the air holes? I tried to give it as much air as the fire can take, but still it fills up. This has been going on since Nov. My last day off I installed an oak and cleaned the unit as recommended for a ton of lignetic pellets, including using the leaf blower trick. The pellet rate is at low. I burn the stove on level 3 and I am burning about 2 bags a day. My vent is 3" with an evl of 14'. My dealer arrainged to have the stove installed and they don't have any answers. My family is already getting sick of the wood smell from me stirring the pot. I am about at my wits end. I thought I did my homework on this stove, I was told the only problems was with the dirty glass, I wish that was my only problem. Help.