Beam us up Scotty, or "To Boldly Go..." Pacific Energy Fusion is on order

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New Member
Hearth Supporter
Mar 12, 2009
PEI Canada
Once again, another happy customer thanks to this forum. Yesterday we placed our order for a PE Fusion (went with all black). My wife gave me full reigns to pick whatever I wanted however I really wanted her input since our hearth is central in the house and the first thing you see when entering the home. My only consideration was that we pick one of the D series PE stoves. When we went to the dealer she was really attracted to the form and functionality of the fusion matched with our pseudo contemporary style (whatever that means). I was leaning toward the Alderlea T5 but I always had a place in my wood heat heart for the fusion -- 'cuz it's so odd and different I suppose. That being said the pedestal, low-glare glass, large cook top and higher standing stove (for a slightly less bend when loading) might be great features.

Anyhow, thanks to everyone for helping us along and I'll post some picks when everything is installed.

- Mark
Congratulations Mark. Fire it off outdoors a couple times to bake in the paint. You can still a couple lengths of regular 6" galvanized pipe to that.

Take lots of pictures when she's up and running!

Congratulations on the stove purchase !!!

I'm very interested in the Fusion also, but no dealer nearby keeps one in stock, so if I 'get serious', I'll have to drive a couple of hundred miles just to see one up close. All I've seen so far is photos from the PE ads and website.

If you're willing, would you please take a set of photos of the Fusion - internal, external and as installed... and post them here... or a link to them?

It's a lot to ask, but I'd be very grateful.

Hope you enjoy your new toy.

Peter B.

Thanks for the tip/help BeGreen -- I certainly will fire it up outside with some used pipe. It took a long time to decide on which many great options. However, after seeing my mother-in-law's vista insert (that I picked out for her) in action and being twice the stove I currently owned I knew it was time to get a serious stove. Her vista had a better burn time with white birch than I did with my 2.0 cubic foot Century Heating -- and it ran A LOT easier/less fighting with it than our stove. Not a scientific experiment, but I did cut her wood/season it.

Peter, I assume your dealer has other PE stoves? If so, the inside/floating firebox is IDENTICAL (the D series) to that line of PE stoves (Alderlea, spectrum, fusion). Just thought I'd mention that in case you wanted to see the guts of it up close. I'll certainly be posting some pics and I'll IM you when complete. I will say that the stove is very different than all the others when you see it in person. I'm taking a risk in assuming it will work with our layout, etc. but we're really intrigued by it. My wife says she loves the Alderlea too but she feels "it's not us" whatever that means -- ! Needless to say, it's different, fresh, odd, and not meant for every home. As wood heat users we typically have a rustic appeal (sometimes a lament I suppose) and a charm that leans to the past. That being said, I think the future includes more and more wood heat due to its inherent positive environmental, social, and warming qualities (and price). Designs of wood stoves should be pushed beyond the classic styles we are used to and with the D series firebox and warranty of PE you can't go wrong I figure. Or, we can always sell it if we hate it ;0 !

- Mark
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