I had been focusing on a 346xp until I was told that there was no bar in 24 inch length that fit that saw. So I began looking into the 359 saw. Oregon has a 24 inch for the 359, and the retailer I will likely buy from offers the 359 with a 24 inch bar. On Bailey's site, I plug in the Oregon number 240RNDK095, and look at the applications list, and the 346 is listed as well as the 359 as compatible saws for this bar. If I could put the 24 bar with a skip tooth blade on the 346xp, I would drop the 359 as the choice and stay with the 346xp, which is what I wanted from the beginning. Am I interpreting the information incorrectly? I thought someone along the way had said the bars were different on the 346 and 359. By the way, I do not intend on using the 24 inch bar routinely, merely to knock the trunks into round on some oversized trees I can't walk away from.