I've been burning now for the most part part-time since end of november... I'm very occasionally getting backdraft problems via my vent for my bathroom (ceiling fan) and perhaps the vent for the shower/sink. I believe the shower and sink plumbing is vented by code to a small 3" (guestimate) pipe that just barely sticks above my roof. The bathroom fan is vented to a louvred square vent too.
If I'm getting smoke occasionally coming through the small 3" pipe, what is the standard way to prevent this? Some kind of directional piping to point the tube away from my chimney or to raise it higher than the flue for my stove?
If I'm getting smoke occasionally coming through the small 3" pipe, what is the standard way to prevent this? Some kind of directional piping to point the tube away from my chimney or to raise it higher than the flue for my stove?