i have a quadrafire 1900. it's been cold here in upstate ny with overnight temperatures often below zero and daytime highs in the single digits. the stove heats my small home nicely, but i hate to let it go out to empty the ashes when it's this cold since i'm pretty cheap about using my furnace. i find i have to empty my ashes (which aren't strictly ashes but rather a bunch of hot glowing chunks of charcoal about an inch or so square) at least once a day or i run out of room to add sufficient wood to keep it comfy and warm. my question is: what is the reason that my wood doesn't burn down to a fine ash? it is well seasoned hardwood.....oak, beech, maple, etc. and i burn it pretty much wide open during the day. somewhere in a search on this topic, i found that it is thought that adding wood too soon can cause this. if this is true, why is it true? the obvious result of not adding wood as often as i do, would be that the room temperature will drop somewhat. but maybe that is the price i will have to pay to decrease the frequency of ash removal and getting a finer ash. your thoughts would be appreciated. on the plus side, i have lots of chunky ashes for my 900 foot driveway! thanks in advance......tonyg