Kind of a stupid question here… so the other night I was unloading some ash into the ash pan below my wood stove, and I had quite a bit of buildup from not emptying much recently. Anyways, I ended up getting a fair amount of hot coal bits mixed in and when I got it in the ash pan, it became really hot. I ended up panicking and scooping all of the ash and coals back on top of the new fire I had just reloaded and let it burn for the night. Since then, I have been having major draft issues… could it be possible that the strong draft during the fire sucked a bunch of that ash up into the flue and is clogging it?? I’m pretty new to wood stoves so this mind be really stupid to ask. Otherwise maybe it’s a coincidence and something else is going on. But when I close the door, the flames basically just die out almost completely. This didn’t used to happen. Kind of at a loss on what to do, any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance!