he makes a good point but i have had more success so far with the reversal and the fan on low
http://www.bigassfans.com/pdf/research/Why Reversing Ceiling Fans In Winter Is A Dumb Idea.pdf
Why Reversing Ceiling Fans In Winter Is A Dumb Idea
Dr. Richard Aynsley, Ph.D. - Director Research & Development - Big Ass Fan Company
As an architect and engineer, I can understand why the architects for some projects seek trully reversible air
movement from ceiling fans. This simplistic notion of ceiling fan use has been around for decades. Let me explain
as an architect with a Masters degree in Engineering, why this is not a sound idea.
Use of ceiling fans for air movement to energy-efficient summer comfort is straight forward. In summer, providing
air movement of 160 fpm in the occupied zone will allow the thermostat to be raised 4.7°F while maintaining
the same thermal comfort. Raising the thermostat 1°F typically saves between 3% and 4% of cooling energy
cost*. Raising the thermostat 5°F will typically save between 15% and 20% of cooling energy costs. In summer,
providing air movement of 230 fpm (2.6 mph) in the occupied zone of an air conditioned space will allow the
thermostat to be raised 10°F while maintaining the same thermal comfort. This thermostat increase would save
30% to 40% of air conditioning cooling costs.
Use of ceiling fans at low speed with air flow downward for energy efficiency by destratification in winter is
well established. Circulation of indoor air at 3 to 4 times per hour, particularly in spaces with high ceilings, can
allow the thermostat to be set 10°F to 15°F lower while maintaining the same thermal comfort. For each 1°F the
thermostat is lowered in winter the typical heating energy cost saving is 1% per 8 hour period, or 3% per day.
Lowering the thermostat in winter by 5°F from 85°F to 80°F will typically save approximately 15% of heating
energy cost per day.** Field data from clients using Big Ass ceiling fans indicates monthly winter gas consumption
can be cut by up to 30%.
Here is the catch. If the airflow from the ceiling fan is reversed with airflow upward, even at low speed, the
velocity of air across the ceiling above the fan is high, typically around 400 fpm. At this speed, the heat transfer
coefficient at the ceiling is around 1.87 Btu/h.ft2.°F. However if the ceiling fan is running at low speed with airflow
downward the airflow across the ceiling is low, typically 80 fpm. At this speed, the heat transfer coefficient
at the ceiling is around 0.051 Btu/h.ft2.°F.
In short, reversing the air flow direction from ceiling fans in winter the heat loss through the ceiling is increased
by a factor of around 3.7 times due the increase in surface conductance.
*Exeloncorp, formerly Consolidated Edison,
(broken link removed)
** US Dept of Energy, (broken link removed)
Richard Aynsley, Ph.D., M.ASHRAE,
B.Arch (Hons I), MS(Arch.Eng), Registered Architect, QLD.
Director Research & Development
Big Ass Fan Company
Lexington, KY, USA
http://www.bigassfans.com/pdf/research/Why Reversing Ceiling Fans In Winter Is A Dumb Idea.pdf
Why Reversing Ceiling Fans In Winter Is A Dumb Idea
Dr. Richard Aynsley, Ph.D. - Director Research & Development - Big Ass Fan Company
As an architect and engineer, I can understand why the architects for some projects seek trully reversible air
movement from ceiling fans. This simplistic notion of ceiling fan use has been around for decades. Let me explain
as an architect with a Masters degree in Engineering, why this is not a sound idea.
Use of ceiling fans for air movement to energy-efficient summer comfort is straight forward. In summer, providing
air movement of 160 fpm in the occupied zone will allow the thermostat to be raised 4.7°F while maintaining
the same thermal comfort. Raising the thermostat 1°F typically saves between 3% and 4% of cooling energy
cost*. Raising the thermostat 5°F will typically save between 15% and 20% of cooling energy costs. In summer,
providing air movement of 230 fpm (2.6 mph) in the occupied zone of an air conditioned space will allow the
thermostat to be raised 10°F while maintaining the same thermal comfort. This thermostat increase would save
30% to 40% of air conditioning cooling costs.
Use of ceiling fans at low speed with air flow downward for energy efficiency by destratification in winter is
well established. Circulation of indoor air at 3 to 4 times per hour, particularly in spaces with high ceilings, can
allow the thermostat to be set 10°F to 15°F lower while maintaining the same thermal comfort. For each 1°F the
thermostat is lowered in winter the typical heating energy cost saving is 1% per 8 hour period, or 3% per day.
Lowering the thermostat in winter by 5°F from 85°F to 80°F will typically save approximately 15% of heating
energy cost per day.** Field data from clients using Big Ass ceiling fans indicates monthly winter gas consumption
can be cut by up to 30%.
Here is the catch. If the airflow from the ceiling fan is reversed with airflow upward, even at low speed, the
velocity of air across the ceiling above the fan is high, typically around 400 fpm. At this speed, the heat transfer
coefficient at the ceiling is around 1.87 Btu/h.ft2.°F. However if the ceiling fan is running at low speed with airflow
downward the airflow across the ceiling is low, typically 80 fpm. At this speed, the heat transfer coefficient
at the ceiling is around 0.051 Btu/h.ft2.°F.
In short, reversing the air flow direction from ceiling fans in winter the heat loss through the ceiling is increased
by a factor of around 3.7 times due the increase in surface conductance.
*Exeloncorp, formerly Consolidated Edison,
(broken link removed)
** US Dept of Energy, (broken link removed)
Richard Aynsley, Ph.D., M.ASHRAE,
B.Arch (Hons I), MS(Arch.Eng), Registered Architect, QLD.
Director Research & Development
Big Ass Fan Company
Lexington, KY, USA