In my round the clock, obsessive research to find a splitter I have now turned up a new one. It is the Ardisam Earthquake.
12 tons, 196cc engine. Even has tandem hitch so you can pull a trailer behind the splitter.
I realize the power is on the low side but it several steps up from the little electric ones. Price starts at $799. Just curious if anyone know anything about them. Only one review found on line.
Northern's Powerhorse Dual Split. 20 tons. Cuts going either direction. 208cc. 4 inch cylinder. 9 gpm pump.
Not sure how how sturdy this will be. Instead of the wedge being pushed against the foot, this double edged wedge rides on top of the beam. Seems like there would be a lot of torque when it pushes, or pulls, against a log. $1000.
12 tons, 196cc engine. Even has tandem hitch so you can pull a trailer behind the splitter.
I realize the power is on the low side but it several steps up from the little electric ones. Price starts at $799. Just curious if anyone know anything about them. Only one review found on line.
Northern's Powerhorse Dual Split. 20 tons. Cuts going either direction. 208cc. 4 inch cylinder. 9 gpm pump.
Not sure how how sturdy this will be. Instead of the wedge being pushed against the foot, this double edged wedge rides on top of the beam. Seems like there would be a lot of torque when it pushes, or pulls, against a log. $1000.