So, like everyone else, I'm on a budget. Desperately wanting an add-on wood burning furnace to compliment my LP furnace. Have been reading and reading and I am still stuck. A few threads I have found have talked about the Vogelzang Norseman's but no one seems to have any experience with them. My house is roughly 1300 sq. ft. and in unlike northern states, we only see about 0 degrees being the coldest over the winter. I have been looking hard at Northern Tool's Vogelzang Norseman 1500 as this is all I can spend on a unit at this time ($1000) not counting install. So, what I want to know is:
1. Does anyone have any experience or know of anyone with this model? What's your opinion?
2. Is vogelzang's reputation a thing of the past? Are they up to par these days with the competitors? (Even though they are the cheap end furnaces)
3. Am I wasting my time and money? Will this furnace help at all? Is it adequate for my application?
Thanks in advance
1. Does anyone have any experience or know of anyone with this model? What's your opinion?
2. Is vogelzang's reputation a thing of the past? Are they up to par these days with the competitors? (Even though they are the cheap end furnaces)
3. Am I wasting my time and money? Will this furnace help at all? Is it adequate for my application?
Thanks in advance