My mind was going the other day as I was getting my tractor out of my semi-storage trailer that I buried down at ground level. It made fantastic storage and tractor garage really cheap and it brought to mind a boiler room I saw while researching gasifiers. This was a portable unit in a shipping container. Now some places 20ft shipping containers are very reasonable. They are steel (fire-proof), sturdy, and large enough for the boiler, large tank, and wood. It would be very easy to side them to make them compatable with the landscape and with them on blocks they wouldn't add to the tax burden. If you build a round tank 7ft x 7ft in the back you would have 2000gal storage and it would be easy to insulate as 3 of the walls would be there. There would be plenty
of room for the boiler in the middle and with wood stored on both side in the front with a walk way you would have a neat, practical, and cheap boiler room. Just one more option.
of room for the boiler in the middle and with wood stored on both side in the front with a walk way you would have a neat, practical, and cheap boiler room. Just one more option.