Hey guys, I'm getting a new Osburn 2000 insert installed in a few weeks and I'm starting to research fuels now. I'll end up with firewood but having wood seasoned for use this winter will be tough. The bio suppliers near me basically sell Envi Blocks and North Idaho Energy Logs. I've read nothing but good things about both. Right now a pallet of Envi Blocks is going for $349 (315 blocks) and and a pallet of North Idaho is going for $559 (240 logs). Just for reference, a cord of "seasoned" hardwood, cut and split is going for $275 - $325. The bio fuels will be easier for me to store because I have some space restrictions outside around my house, etc. Based on the pricing I just listed, does anyone think the North Idaho stuff is still the best bet for BTU and burn time? Envi Blocks do advertise "great for overnight burning".... I have no experience with any of this stuff, just trying to make an informed purchase. Thanks!
(broken link removed to https://www.barefootpellet.com/enviblocks/)
(broken link removed to https://www.barefootpellet.com/enviblocks/)

Wood Fuel Home - North Idaho Energy Logs - Burn Clean - Burn Friendly
Warmer, greener, cleaner and wiser wood fuel. North Idaho Energy Logs produce more heat from 100% natural recycled wood and cut emissions by more than 50%.