I have an old style tarm combo boiler. Wood in the front and oil in the back. I have not used the oil side since I put it in years ago. I know tho oil side is not too efficient. Now all I need to do is fire it with oil for 1 hour in the morn. from 530 to 630 am to be sure the house is warm in the morning on those real cold days. Here is the problem. The boiler is in the unheated unattached garage out back. I use a mixture of #2 oil (salvaged from some neighbors old oil tanks) used and filtered vege-oil and some other waste oils with a little kero to thin it all out a bit. It burns great in the right environment but when the boiler and combustion chamber are cold in the morning it fire's real smoky and barely runs for the first 15 minutes. Once it all heats up it is fine. I think the problem is that the fuel doesn't atomize enough in the cold. This seems like a situation I can't fix. Any thoughts?