Computer is a Dell Pentium 4, 3ghz, 512ram, 32gb hard drive space w/ 10 gig free running xp. I use firefox as the browser most of the time, but will use IE on occasion.
In the past when I have replaced a computer is was because it just couldn't keep up with normal use overall (basically win 98 became obsolete and I didn't have the resources to keep up with programs and needs, etc).
Bought this computer in 04 and she's still a storm trooper doing everything I need to do perfectly (even editing pictures, burning dvd movies (legal stuff from discovery education for work) ect, so long as I ask it to do it during business hours.
Once 9pm hits it's a crap shoot. About 5 out of 7 night, this thing will slow down so that it can't keep up with my typing, pushing the return key to make a new paragraph may take several seconds to see it actually happen, clicking on a new thread and opening it up may sometimes take 30 seconds, having the start menu appear takes up to 30 seconds as it slowly opens etc, etc.
These problems will persist whether I restart the thing or not. Other than happening somewhere after 9pm, there is no consistency on the day of the week or what I am doing with the unit (using word, versus versus another application). Sometimes it's fine till 10pm, other nights midnight, one never knows when it's going to decide to stop being part of the game.
I have no regularly scheduled things to happen during these hours that I can find so I'm stumped.
I hate to replace a computer that works perfectly the majority of the time, but I just can't figure out why I'm getting issues after 9pm and the thing needs a break for a few hours to get back to its normal self.
I've done all I know to do so suggestions would be great. Thanks
In the past when I have replaced a computer is was because it just couldn't keep up with normal use overall (basically win 98 became obsolete and I didn't have the resources to keep up with programs and needs, etc).
Bought this computer in 04 and she's still a storm trooper doing everything I need to do perfectly (even editing pictures, burning dvd movies (legal stuff from discovery education for work) ect, so long as I ask it to do it during business hours.
Once 9pm hits it's a crap shoot. About 5 out of 7 night, this thing will slow down so that it can't keep up with my typing, pushing the return key to make a new paragraph may take several seconds to see it actually happen, clicking on a new thread and opening it up may sometimes take 30 seconds, having the start menu appear takes up to 30 seconds as it slowly opens etc, etc.
These problems will persist whether I restart the thing or not. Other than happening somewhere after 9pm, there is no consistency on the day of the week or what I am doing with the unit (using word, versus versus another application). Sometimes it's fine till 10pm, other nights midnight, one never knows when it's going to decide to stop being part of the game.
I have no regularly scheduled things to happen during these hours that I can find so I'm stumped.
I hate to replace a computer that works perfectly the majority of the time, but I just can't figure out why I'm getting issues after 9pm and the thing needs a break for a few hours to get back to its normal self.
I've done all I know to do so suggestions would be great. Thanks