I have an older answer A2 stove. I have a question about the damper. I start my fire in my stove - it always starts with no problems. I have a strong draft - insulated ss liner in an interior chimney. I leave my door open a crack for 20 minutes to make sure the wood is burning well. Then I close the door. After about 30 minutes I close my damper at the top of my stove. I get it to about 1/2 closed in slow increments and the fire always goes out. If I open the damper back up the fire starts up again. I am trying to get the longest burn possible but I can only close my damper about 1/4 of the way. Any thoughts. I am burning all hardwoods - that have been seasoning for about 8 months. I know the wood is not ideal but it burns easy and that is all I have. Any suggestions or experience with this stove?