DO check all gaskets annually. Repair or replace frayed, warped, or worn material. Broken glass (if your stove has glass windows) should be replaced mmediately. Hints: One way to test the tightness of a gasket seal is to close the door on a dollar bill. Pull gently on the dollar bill. If it pulls easily out of place, the seal isn't tight and the gasket should be replaced. Repeat this test in several locations to check the seal all around the door. BECAUSE: Gaskets and glass windows in good condition will provide an airtight seal and prevent leaks. Leaks will reduce your stove's efficiency and may create indoor air pollution problems.
DO check seams on cast iron stoves annually. Re-cement as necessary BECAUSE: As will gaskets, seams are areas where leaks can develop.
DO check the wood-loading door and the ash drawer for tightness; adjust as necessary. BECAUSE: These two areas are subject to warp or worn gaskets. Poor fit may result in over-heating or may allow smoke to escape into the room.
DO check air controls to make sure that parts move freely. BECAUSE: Pieces of bark, ash, or charred wood may become lodged in the sliding mechanisms. Exact amounts of combustion air are essential for your non-catalytic stove to achieve high efficiency and reduce pollution.
DO check the secondary air holes for plugging; clean with a wire brush as necessary. Each week operate the stove in a "hot" mode for 30 to 45 minutes. BECAUSE: Nozzles and secondary air holes must remain unclogged to maintain combustion airflow. When these become clogged, secondary combustion won't occur. Hot fires will burn off the accumulated creosote that brushing can't remove.
DO consult your owner's manual for other periodic inspection tips on how to replace worn and broken parts. Replace firebrick and other insulating materials when you see crumbling or other signs of deterioration. BECAUSE: Failing to replace a part will cost you more in the long run. For all models, parts should be available from the dealer.
DO check the baffle of your stove for warpage. Contact the manufacturer if this occurs. BECAUSE: The airflow within your stove will be distorted if the baffle is warped. This condition can be corrected by replacing the baffle.
DO check the flue twice a month and have it cleaned at least once a year. After cleaning, check the seals and retighten joints in the flue and to the stove. BECAUSE: Buildup of creosote on the flue walls can reignite and cause fires. Tight seals and joints prevent leaks.
DO make sure the thermostat (if your stove is equipped with one) is working properly; replace as necessary. Refer to parts list in your owner's manual. BECAUSE: A broken thermostat can prevent air inlets and dampers from opening or closing automatically.
What You Should NOT DO:
DO NOT remove or tamper with the preset operating or temperature controls. BECAUSE: It's against the law, it will void your stove's warranty, and it will create a safety hazard. The stove will be less efficient and more expensive to operate. Thermostats control either primary or secondary air, or both. Tampering may ruin the precisely designed secondary combustion capabilities, resulting in lower efficiencies, higher operating costs, and greater pollution.