New stove installed in front of an existing fireplace, which vents into the existing masonary chimney which has a full reline (Stainless steel liner). My house is 100 years old and the existing brick chimney I am told was in good shape, but I wanted a full liner for safety reasons. In the bedroom, one floor above the stove, I can feel that the drywall is warm where it is attached to the chimney. I believe that the original plaster was adhered directly to the brick chimney when the house was built. I put new drywall over this plaster. The wall is not real hot, just warm to the touch, perhaps 100-110 degrees when the stove is running. Is there anyway for this plaster & drywall to ignite. Heat from inside the liner has to penetrate the clay flue tiles and brick in order to do this. I would just like to know if this is normal or something I should be concerned about.