Got my first burn of the season! Any other new injuries out there?

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Feeling the Heat
Hearth Supporter
Nov 5, 2008
Central/Eastern CT
Just got my first skin burn of the season. Just above my welder's glove on the right arm, same as always. Anybody else got any other wood or stove related injuries so far this season? If so, I hope they've been minor. Browning, I hope that your back has recovered from your big score!
Got the tip of a finger on my left hand pinched between a couple of hickory rounds today. Nice purple color under my nail now. Hope I don't have to "bleed" it. Last year I did the same thing and had to take a small drill bit and bore a hole in my nail and let the pressure from the bruising release.
Yah Bigtall, I'm familiar with that one, but I never had the nerve to lance it. Another recent wood-related injury was a massive case of poison ivy I got after scoring some Oak and Birch a few weeks back. I finally learnd to always wear long-sleeves when scrounging!
My part-timer cut into his boot! looks bad but had the steel toes on, no damage to foot.
CTburns said:
Another recent wood-related injury was a massive case of poison ivy I got after scoring some Oak and Birch a few weeks back. I finally learnd to always wear long-sleeves when scrounging!

Last winter I got posion ivy from handling round with vines on them, through a long sleeve shirt and sweat shirt. I was pretty surprised.

No injuries or burns this season yet other than some aching muscles from the wood processing.
A couple of weeks ago my wife was helping me split and I didn't move my hand in time and pinched my finger briefly between part of the splitter and the round . . . my own fault . . . I still have the purple/red nail splotch. No burns this year . . . but it's still early. ;)
I went to pick up some old extra large white oak rounds on Wednesday in the rain, the first big one I dipped the wheelbarrow into and as I tried lifting both up my feet went out and the log landed on my lap, no injury there but then I spied a smaller yet still large log and as I was trying to flip that up and into the wheel barrow my hand slipped in the wet rotting bark and my right pinky finger popped out of its joint, first time for that but luckily I had on a big glove and only felt it as I popped it back in and didn't see it, and now its all swollen and in a little metal brace :-) In my previous post you can see all the big logs I moved in dry weather np, guess you cant underestimate the importance of traction :-P
Wheelbarrows are dangerous for large rounds. Get yourself a good heavy duty dolly.
LLigetfa said:
Wheelbarrows are dangerous for large rounds. Get yourself a good heavy duty dolly.

Now that's a damn good idea, why didn't I think of that, Thanks.
an alternative to "drilling" into your finger to release the pressure, is to take something like a paper clip and straighten it out, heat it up nice and hot with a lighter. Poke through nail, goes right through. Watch out for the squirt! A doc did this to me in emerg one time when I was about 16. Use at own risk. :zip:
fyrwoodguy said:
chainsaw cut number 3
down to 3 stiches this time
refuse to wear chaps :-/
[] Got my first burn of the season! Any other new injuries out there?

huh you must be trying to get your face on the poster!
Small burn on the inside of my right fore arm from coming in contact with the hot latch of the door. Minor one though.

These always seem to happen after I've "had a few"........go figure.
sliced open a knuckle with my splitting axe last nite making kindling...i need a smaller axe for that task i think
Got Wood said:
CTburns said:
Another recent wood-related injury was a massive case of poison ivy I got after scoring some Oak and Birch a few weeks back. I finally learnd to always wear long-sleeves when scrounging!

Last winter I got posion ivy from handling round with vines on them, through a long sleeve shirt and sweat shirt. I was pretty surprised.

No injuries or burns this season yet other than some aching muscles from the wood processing.

Did you burn the wood with the vines? I got poison ivy last week, now my right eye is swelled shut. We cut five cord and some of it still has the vines.
Use caution burning any poison ivy the fumes can cause severe lung damage.

Here's a second on using a hand cart or wagon to move rounds instead of a wheelbarrow. the wheelbarrow works fine with splits.
Nice blister from over using my new Fiskars time I will remember the gloves.
Got bit by the stove twice already on my left forearm over the glove.
got a bad ankle sprain bout 2 months back pushin a wheelbarrow full
of splits that still hurts.
Figure I'll be in a body cast by Christmas :coolgrin:

Fyrwoodguy- 3rd times a charm, now go buy some chaps before Darwin gets ya.
I don't use em either though :red:
Birdman1 said:
Got bit by the stove twice already on my left forearm over the glove.
got a bad ankle sprain bout 2 months back pushin a wheelbarrow full
of splits that still hurts.
Figure I'll be in a body cast by Christmas :coolgrin:

Fyrwoodguy- 3rd times a charm, now go buy some chaps before Darwin gets ya.
I don't use em either though :red:
That which doesn't kill you, still hurts like hell and/or is embarrassing.

My finger I sliced making kin'lin is healing nicely.

I had a pair of leather gloves by the stove last year for handling hot coals but the wife must have tossed them. I was trying out a top down fire for the first time and it wasn't going so well... ended up toasting my fingertips bare handedly picking up hot coals that scattered.

Then there's my old chainsaw... I really should go buy a new one. The clutch spring has weakened on it and the chain nudges forward when it is rough idling. Anyway, I was trudging through the bush carrying the idling saw with one hand and it swung around on me, the chain catching my front pocket where chaps don't protect. No blood shed but I'm pissed that I have a hole there now. I know, I should have set the brake. Hindsight is 20/20... I hear the new Stihls have an automatic chain brake that comes on whenever you let go of the handle.
I hand split and chain saw in moccasins, don't own chaps or ear plugs, and usually wear cheap cotton gloves. the only thing i'm diligent about is eye protection. I always (almost always) wear safety goggles.
CTburns said:
Just got my first skin burn of the season. Just above my welder's glove on the right arm, same as always. Anybody else got any other wood or stove related injuries so far this season? If so, I hope they've been minor. Browning, I hope that your back has recovered from your big score!

What do they say here, thats right pics or it did not happen.


Hope it heals in time for Turkey Dinner.
Multiple burns on the hands/fingers/arms, just removed 12 stitches from knee from a chainsaw oops!
er318 said:
Multiple burns on the hands/fingers/arms, just removed 12 stitches from knee from a chainsaw oops!


andiron burn between my pinky and ring finger knuckles. Must've been standing on my head while I was re-loading.
er318 said:
Multiple burns on the hands/fingers/arms, just removed 12 stitches from knee from a chainsaw oops!

Holy crap Dude!!!!!
And I thought I was gettin a little banged up

Maybe you should start wearing a helmet ;-P
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