I live in southeastern NC where sweetgum is everywhere(it's like a weed). Farmers will push up ditch banks and let me have the trees,drive up to them in the field,cut out the trunk and go.The farmer pushes up the limbs and will burn them(doesn't give me much time, but it is free). My splitter is old.Has a single stage pump,a 2.5" cylinder ,and a 1941 Wisconsin 6hp motor that weights 150lbs.I don't know the tonnage but it ain't much. Motor loosing compression now and time to upgrade. I want a vert. splitter.Been looking online and lots to chose from. Would like to have Made in USA but can't find many.As far a ditch, knotted up sweetgum goes, it is HARD to split (just seems to tear).My old splitter didn't like it at all. I don't burn but 5-6 cords a year and I would like some suggestions on what size splitter to go for.