This week my wife and I had the week off for work, and took on this project. Each bay technically holds 5.75 cords of wood at 8' tall, so I figure I'll stack a little shorter and aim for 5 cords in each bay. This should hold two season's worth of wood at the rate we use it.
This was an ambitious project for us, but pretty happy with how it turned out. It is just under 20' long and 10' deep, 8' tall at the lowest and 9.5' tall in the the front. Posts are sunk 32" and we have concrete in the holes. Going to put pallets on the ground to stack the wood on. Only thing left is to add some corner braces in the front, add the pallets and then fill it! I already have the ten cords cut and split that have been sitting out for a year, so now I can keep them nice and dry.
Let me know your thoughts, we are not "construction" people so we did the best we could with the knowledge we could find.

I'll be happy to answer any questions if there are any. Total cost was $1400 including renting the power auger, though I had the plywood for the roof already so that part was free.
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