first test burn with garn controlled by lambda o2 sensor, and flue gas temp, no hard data yet , the parameters start by pressing a button to open the motorized combustion air damper and enable the fan to run at 60hz for 5 minutes to get the fire up to temp, 7% 02 request modulates fan speed from 50 to 80hz, a cutoff on 02 controll at 12% at this point i have2 choices, one to reload press button and repeat program or run rest of burn at 50hz untill flue temp declines to 200degf at witch point blower shuts down and flue closes 80% 2 hrs later, end of program. i also have a low water indicator , a program or manual toggle ,a indicator light that i can see from the house that blinks at the 12% let run or reload , and a system shut down. what seems to happen is that after the initial 5 minute startup 02% is about 4% at witch point the fan ramps up to 80hz for 30+/- minutes and then gradually ramps down to maintain7«out 15 minutes passing 7% the fan decreases speed to 50hz, when o2 threshold of 12% reached fan runs at 50 hz to end. it will take some time to see how it responds with varied mc content wood. i have to get the trending software from rockwell to graph burn . any thoughts welcome