
  • Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
  1. fhon

    Help! Converting welded Princess pedestal to classic base

    Hello everyone, We're in the process of moving and of course I wasn't leaving the Blaze King Princess behind. But we have to squeeze it at tighter location. So I decided I'd just swap out the pedestal for the classic base. It just came in today and they're installing a liner along with the...
  2. D

    Smelling smoke from my blower fan?

    We're getting some smoke in the house (not a lot, but detectable when you step into the house from outdoors) and having difficulty diagnosing the issue. When I put my face in front of the blower fan attached to the back of our BK Princess, the air coming out smells a little smoky, but how can...
  3. C

    Is this an old Blaze King Princess and what is wrong?

    Hi This stove has no markings, no labels. After searching for a very long time online I deducted that it is likely a Blaze King I contacted a BK dealer who thinks it is an older Blaze King Princess... about 30-40 years old. The dealer says they talked to Blaze King after I sent photos (posted...
  4. I

    Blaze King Princess (PR-202?) - Looking for Info

    Just bought a house with this wood stove in it. Looking for a little information about it. I couldn't find any plates or markings on the outside to tell me the exact model or production year. Could it be a PR-202? What does the J stand for on the PR-202J? The inside gasket appears to be in...
  5. J

    New Condar cat thermometer for BK princess accuracy

    So I bought a new Condar cat thermometer to replace the BK one in my BK princess which is a little over 3 years old, but only a few months old to me. Mainly because of the actual degree scale rather than the dummy scale on the stock one, and to ensure accuracy. Same size dial and length probe...
  6. J

    First new (to me) Blaze King Princess

    Well I finally pulled the trigger on my first BK, a 2 year old Princess with a new factory cat that I found online for $1700. I'm coming from a small pleasant hearth home depot non-EPA stove that was rated to 1500sqft with a top and bottom damper. My house is 1900 sq ft and was built as a heat...
  7. M

    Home Purchased with a Blaze King Princess ISO middle square ceramic

    Hello! We just purchased a home with a Blaze King Princess. The center ceramic on the door came off and hit our brick ( the tabs holding it must be old... design flaw, perhaps having it permenatly attached given that the door opens down would have been better... :) I am guessing they are...
  8. G

    Hearthstone Clydesdale or BK Princess?

    Hi all, I've narrowed my search for an insert to either the Clydesdale or the Princess. I've called around to several nearby retailers and they are both similarly priced. I've done a general spec comparison but I'd love to hear some feedback on advantages/disadvantages of these stoves. Of...
  9. WallaWallaDoug

    Old Blaze King Parts

    I have recently acquired a Blaze Princess insert PFF 403. I believe it is a model from the 80's. It's in pretty decent shape but it is missing what I believe to be a damper control on the top rear exhaust of the stove. there is just a rectangle opening with nothing to slow or damper down the...