morso 1125

  • Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
  1. J

    Morso 1125 or something else / new?

    Hi All, Hoping for some input to help make a decision that my wife and I are struggling with. The scenario: We live in an 1830's Pennsylvania stove farmhouse with a walk-in hearth that we are looking to add a wood stove in. While this will not necessarily be our primary heat (maybe it could...
  2. C

    Morso 1125 Manual and Gasket

    Hi all. I recently moved into a house with a Morso 1125 stove and we will be using this as our primary source of heat. While we have had good luck using the stove thus far, we would love a copy of the manual if anyone on the thread has a scanned copy/PDF/etc. I emailed Morso directly but they’ve...
  3. N

    Help - Wood Stove Newbie w/ Morso 1125

    Hi all, I recently bought a home in Philly that has a Morso 1125 installed. I am new to wood stoves and from my heavy research yesterday, it seems I have a more vintage stove which isn't great for a newbie. Either way, after blowing it my first two burns (poor flue control followed by...