froling s3 turbo

  • Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
  1. fhgowner

    HELP! Inherited Fröling FHG 3000 Turbo Wood Boiler

    Hi All. I have just bought a house and inherited a FHG 3000 Turbo biomass boiler. I have got my head around some of the functionality but would love to pick fellow owners brains about some of the usability and error side. For example: how often should I reload? What does the "Storage temp...
  2. C

    Froling pump short cycling

    Hello, I have a question for fellow Froling users. I have a Froling S3 Turbo 50 with two 300 gallon storage tanks. I have been running it for about 3 months and love the system. I do have a concern that has been addressed with the supplier. When the boiler is in "Off" mode and the boiler is 4...
  3. D

    Getting ready to purchase, Prepping the needed resources.

    Good Afternoon All, I have been reading a lot of really good posts on here and am truly noticing that I know nothing/close to nothing on how to install a wood boiler with storage and DHW. My question is: I am in CT and i will need to contract a designer/ do'er to plumb everything in. Does...
  4. A

    Froling S3 Turbo versus Econoburn

    I am replacing a 40 year old Tarm boiler in my basement. I live in the Adirondacks and was burning 9 or 10 full cords per year in the old Tarm that just gave up the ghost. I am considering the Froling S3 Turbo or the Econoburn. I am initially heating my two story 1,800 foot log home and...