
  • Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
  1. Kat_K

    Hearthstone Heritage—Ruing the Day I Purchased

    Second winter with my Hearthstone Heritage and every single day I regret the purchase. Prior to this I had an old cast-iron stove that burned beautifully in any kind of weather. The hearthstone – terrible!! The only way to keep the stove burning is to have the catalyst disengaged at all times...
  2. W

    Catalyst Failure again?!

    Hey all, so Dec last year got a replacement catalyst because it was pulling from the frame. Lo and behold it’s happening again! What is going on, did I get two poorly produced catalyst? If so, then I got one in a box cause I picked up a spare. Ashford 25 insert I’m burning good dry wood...
  3. G

    F3500 parts missing/damage

    Happy Sunday! New here and happy to of found this forum/group. I picked up a used F3500 tagged Aug 2017. As this was my first stove and a used one at that, it looked great when I picked it up. However, when I got home and put more inspection into it as I was cleaning I noticed concerns. 1)...
  4. J

    Englander 24-ACD What size catalytic combustor do I need?

    Englander 24-ACD/50-SHW24 Manual says 1inch and 3 inch. The housing unit I ordered is apparently 2 inches. Was able to find one to be delivered here on Tuesday. Without the housing unit, it measures 2inches tall inside the stove. I’d imagine it’d be 3 inches? But maybe I’m wrong. I’m going to...
  5. G

    Regency i2500 Catalytic combustor question

    We recently had a Regency i2500 professionally installed and I have some questions about the catalytic combustor that I was hoping you all might be able to help me with. We're in Wisconsin, so all temps are in Fahrenheit, and we're using fully seasoned oak as our fuel source, in case it helps...
  6. T

    Retrofit Cat + Next Steps

    Hello all. I've been burning as my primary heat for about 8 years; just moved to Michigan and have started here. Got an Ashley 3200 and have to heat ~3k sq ft. So far down to 20F or so it's been doing fine, though it's a little slow to get the job done being in the basement. The flue is ~25ft...
  7. S

    Heritage 8024 questions\issues

    Hi everyone. We are new to wood stoves. We have a new Heritage 8024 soapstone. We purchased this over a cast iron due to the sale rep telling us it gives of a nice steady 20 hours heat, rather than a fast high temp heat that cast iron produces. A friend has a very small cast iron stove and their...
  8. W

    Lopi Large Flush Insert Temp Probe

    I had the Lopi Large Flush Hybrid Wood insert installed last year. It works great! Great investment! I’ve been burning hickory that I cut and split 1.5yrs ago. Moisture meter says it’s good to go . Once the fire is established, the cat engages as it should, glows red however the temperature...
  9. T

    Should I Replace the Catalyst and Refractory Assembly on my Intrepid II?

    Hey everyone! Just bought a used Intrepid II Model 1303. I started cleaning it and noticed the chimneys of the refractory assembly are pretty much gone. I was wondering if this was worth changing or if I could wait a season? I've also noticed the catalyst is a bit burned and small parts of it...
  10. C

    Rebuilding Refractory Chamber?

    Howdy, I've been reading how some refractory chambers have to be rebuilt. They get damaged and won't seal around the combustor. Or squirrels ate it. I understand they are expensive to replace. I don't understand why they cannot be rebuilt, or built from scratch, using hi temp fiber board...
  11. M

    Country Comfort Wood Stove (Identify Model ? & Catalytic?)

    I need help with my Orrville Country Comfort stove. I am not sure which model it is, but I need help determining if I will need a catalytic. I replaced gaskets, ceramic blanket, and replaced the bricks. Can anyone assist?
  12. chichas

    Blaze King Sirocco 20 Issue

    I have 2 BK Sirocco 20's. One is three years old and in the lower level of my home and the other on the main level I purchased brand new in October 2017. When I start a fire in the older stove, it appears to draft and light just fine like my new one. What I'm noticing is that the catalyst on my...
  13. R

    Catalytic wood boiler

    Hey all, long time reader first time poster here. I've been searching for info on a catalytic wood boiler that can burn long and low like a catalytic stand alone stove, but can't seem to find anything. Does this exist, and if not, why? It seems like it would be a great way to avoid needing...
  14. C

    Getting Catalytic Burn

    Hi Everyone, Could use input on what I might be doing wrong with my Vermont Castings Intrepid II. I'm still new to burning with this stove that came with a house I bought. I did read the manual and FAQ on this site. I got a fire going with the damper open and brought it up to 450 degrees...
  15. B

    Kuma Sequoia Initial Review and Catalyst Troubleshooting Tips

    Hello fellow WoodHeads, I recently installed the Kuma Sequoia as a wood burning insert into my fireplace and while the install itself had some issues, I have to say that I couldn't be more pleased with the product. I did a tremendous amount of research regarding the type of stove to get and...