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Glennwood Boiler

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(From 1982 Woodstove Directory)

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Manufacturer's Comment The Glenwood 2 1 50P is an automatic industrial type wood and coal boiler designed to give you maximum heating capacity and efficiency. By utilizing a flue type heat exchanger with a unique baffling arrangement, more of the heat is transmitted into the surrounding water before it can escape up the chimney. This unit is especially suitable for hooking up in conjunction with your existing oil or gas boiler. By using your present system as a back up to the Glenwood, significant savings can be realized without paying the cost of a combination boiler. Glenwood models are also available with combination wood, coal and electric heating. Wood and coal can be used as the primary fuels and the electric immersion type heating package can be used as a back up. Whichever method you choose to heat your home. you may rest assured that all models are developed with quality and efficiency as primary concerns of the manufacturer. All models in the Industrial line are designed with automatic forced draft as a standard feature. Precise boiler temperatures can be realized due to an aquastat type sensing control which is used in regulating the draft to the combustion area. The design of the fire chamber also contributes greatly to the high efficiency which can be obtained from the boiler. The fire chamber is lined with high temperature insulation and firebrick which serves a dual purpose: protecting the one-fourth inch steel firebox from contact with extreme temperatures while at the same time preventing excessive heat loss from the combustion area. A heavy duty shaking type coal grate and a large ash retaining pan are standard features on all the P models. Numerous models are available in the Glenwood line. Included are seven sizes of boilers (conventional and industrial models), seven sizes of hot air heating units (conventional and industrial), three space heater type stoves (wood and coal models) and many additional accessories. Included with the accessory options (available for all the boilers) are a tankless type domestic coil, insulation panels and electric heating provisions. Literature and price sheets are available upon request.
Dealer and retail inquiries are
Log Length Cap.:
Door Opening:
Flue Size:
Water Capacity:
Heating Capacity:
57'/d in.
30 in.
58 in.
34 in.
18'12 x 18 in.
8 in. or 10 in.
41 gal.
Wood or coal
Penn Manufacturing Co.
393 West Lexington Road
Lititz, Pennsylvania 1 7543
First release
Last update


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