Press Release Gateway:

This area is only for the use of approved parties for the use of posting Press Releases which might be of interest to customers and trade in the hearth industry. The releases are available both to the public and to trade members through multiple links on the site.

First time here? You have to register by :
1. Becoming a member of our Forum by registering at the Forum area
2. Email me ([email protected]) and I will then "bless" your registration so that you can post and edit releases.

OK, once you are registered and blessed, you simply go to: to login and view/post/edit your own releases. You do this by hitting the Publish or Edit tab. Here are text and visual instructions:

A. Login at the link above - enter your username and password: Picture
B. You will be transported to a page where you can publish your PR releases: Picture
C. Select Publish to create a new release or edit to change/delete one.
D. At the minimum, enter a title and a summary - links will automatically changed to clickable URL's.
E. If the release is long, break it up and place some in the "Body" section and perhaps some in the "Extended Text" section - Hint - you can use the Summary section to link to the release if it is on your site, then you need not enter the whole release here! Picture
F. The release title and summary will then show up on the PR page: Picture
G. The Body and Extended text will be available to the reader by clicking on the title link from the PR page: Picture

If you mess up, don't fret - simply go back and edit or copy and paste to get it right. A little experimentation will assure that your PR looks correct. The main thing is to keep the summary short and sweet.

So, here are the only links you need once you have registered and been approved:
See all the Press Releases - Email Craig Issod with a question

Visit the front page of the Main HearthNet site
Find out about promoting your business on HearthNet (after all, if you want our 2.5 million yearly visitors to see your PR, you should also want them to see your complete product line!)

We're pleased to provide this new feature, the first of it's kind, to our industry. We hope this section becomes a stopping off point for both the trade and the public.

Craig Issod, President
CHI Associates