July 2, 1996 ------Back
to List archives - Back to Club House
1. Reminder about the "members only" are and classified sections
2. Video and Computer Photo Book
July 5, 1996
1. The "New" VC
July 12, 1996
1. New VC rep for west coast
2. VC Stoves from a sweeps viewpoint
July 27, 1996
Subject: Hearth Digest 7/27/96
1.For your information
July 28, 1996
1. Majestic "CFM" retail stores ?
2. Gas Training from Hearth Education Foundation
July 30, 1996
1. Heat n' Glo and Heatilator merge !
July 31, 1996
In this issue:
Press Releases, Q & A etc. from Heat n' Glo
In this issue:
1. Reminder about the "members only" are and classified sections
2. Video and Computer Photo Book
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Great Idea Forgotten?
The Swap Shop set up in the Club House needs to be pointed at again....
again ...... again......!!!!. There are some GREAT deals being offered
there and there is also a lack of deals being presented..... It needs more
activity for such a GREAT IDEA> Maybe, HearthList participants and
listeners should check the cornors of their showrooms and warehouses for
those dead $50 bills that could be someone elses new profits.
Stop thinking for a few minutes about how:
INSTAFLAME/MAJESTIC OR WHOEVER might screw you this year....... and
down to business. Clean the junk out of your warehouse and make a buck!!!!
You know how to sell their junk and make money.... you have been doing it
for years ......... the Swap Shop at the Club House is now your chance to
sell your own junk (or buy someone elses) and make money that would
otherwise just be on paper sitting in a corner. DO IT !!
Craig....... How did you say we got to that Swap Shop again??????
Visit the Emporium
Craig Issod replies: The members only area and swap shop are at:
http://hearth.com/news/club.html - The area is password protected
And by the way, I have lots of old VC Heat shields, boots, etc..just like
Ken (grin) .. You can use his for sleds, but mine make great roofs for treehouses...
2. Video and Computer Photo Book
Craig Issod says:
While remodeling our store this summer, we're installing a more elaborate
computer network and faster computers (Macs, of couse). One of my crazy
Ideas is to set up a system with one or two monitors in the showroom which
customers could access to see pictures of actual installations. This could
be a partial salvation to the "can't display em all" syndrome
that is hurting us all. Here's the way I figure it could be set up:
1. Two Powermac computers 24 megs ram/with color monitors : $4000.00
2. Apple Quicktake Digital Camera $650.00
3. Additional Video Camera (I have this) $0.00
4. Software (Adobe Fetch ? or FM Pro, or Hypercard $200.
Actually, Netscape could be used as the software for still images, and maybe
even Video...it would be a little like an in-house web.
So, for around 5 grand and some experimenting, I'd have a system. We'd have
both still cameras (the Quicktake) and Video cameras.....So we could have
the installers takes hundreds of pictures and video clips which could be
saved and cataloged.
Why, if a number of dealers started doing something like this, we could
even swap installation clips.
Anyone else interested in such a setup ? Would it be worth the 5 grand investment
? As the system matured, sales pitches could also be built into the system.
Why, it'd be just like Epcot - but in my store !
This Months Digest sponsored by The Condar Company
Stove Thermometers, Replacement Catalytic Combustors and Replacement Firescreens
Visit our Site at http://hearth.com/condar or email to [email protected]
End of digest
Send posts to [email protected]
Hearth Digest 7/5/96
1. The "New" VC
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 10:56:39 -0500 (CDT)
To: [email protected]
From: Energy Plus <[email protected]>
Subject: The "New" VC
Along the lines of the other communications regarding VC and their
latest games, we also are having another dealer set up in our
territory (our rep doesn't seem to want to deal with the owners of
the retail stores, he just drops in when he's in the area (every 4-6
months) w/o an appt and tells our fellow employees what he's thinking
of doing. Another friend of mine had the same thing happen to her
recently - I guess it's true that they just don't see the future in
the people who've been beyond loyal and supported them and their
products EVEN THOUGH we make less money on the product than anything
else, have more service/burned out before their time wood products,
and been with them over the long haul. I, too am tired of " things
will stay the same" routine when things don't look at all the same
my perspective. I guess we all need to re-focus and re-think our product
offerings and square footage of retail and warehouse space devoted to their
products. Lopi is looking better and better every day................
Nancy Hanson
Energy Plus
This Months Digest sponsored by The Condar Company
Stove Thermometers, Replacement Catalytic Combustors and Replacement Firescreens
Visit our Site at http://hearth.com/condar or email to [email protected]
End of digest
July 12, 1996
1. New VC rep for west coast
2. VC Stoves from a sweeps viewpoint
1. New VC Rep
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 96 15:17:25 UT
From: "John Wallace" <[email protected]>
Subject: New VC Rep.
The west coast VC dealers are getting a new rep in about a week. This rep
have known for about 10 yrs. You are getting a rep that will work for you,
with you and help you any way he can. He has worked in the manufacture of
stoves, repair of stoves, he has worked in just about any phase of our
industry. He will visit your stores on a regular time schedule not just
time to get an early buy.
The company he is leaving is my major product line, even though he is not
rep at this time, he is still a friend.
Sam thanks for the good years and good luck with your new job.
This may be the only positive thing that VC has done in the past few months
2. VC From A sweeps View
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 23:04:37 -0400
From: [email protected] (Bill Kline)
Subject: Another angle on VC dilemma
Dear Hearth List,
I certainly empathize with all the loyal VC dealers who are, as one
recently stated, being "raped" by VC. Thought you might want to
a sweeps opinion on their wood stoves.
VC makes some nice stoves, as long as you don't have to service
them. But over the last 18 years, I have cussed their designers on
many occasions.They were bad before, but the Cats, and the Non Cats that
the ceramic fiber afterburners, ie Resolute / Encore, are the pits!. If
vent up to a straight Class A chimney, which is the easiest installation
clean on most other stoves, when you brush them down, all the mess falls
into that cavity, then you have to dismantle the back of the stove to get
it out, and clean it out without touching anything. And the Cats are even
worse. I have about 5 different ones, rear-vented ond top-vented, that have
to be moved out of their place so I can get to the access panel to service
the cat, which is covered with creosote fallen down from above. Some of
them have back firebox panels that are supposed to be easily removed for
cleaning, but are held in place with phillips head stove bolts. Ever try
getting those loose after a year or two of use?
The Consolidated Dutchwest stoves used to be reasonably easy to service
installed with servicing in mind. I never could get my hand or a brush or
vac hose through the outlet, but if a straight-up shot, nearly everything
fell into the stove. On rear vents, a Tee fairly near usually allowed the
horizontal pipe to be cleaned. But that difficulty was one of the reasons
quit selling them. However, the cat was easily accessible, just lift the
cookplate, and there it was. Then VC bought them, and now they are a
miserable pain in the pinfeathers to service, too.
Anyway, it wouldn't hurt my feelings much if I never had to work on one
these stoves again !
IN contrast, I have installed and serviced a lot of Osburn stoves.
It is at the exact opposite end of the spectrum when it comes
to serviceability. The only stove I have ever cleaned that was easier to
clean than an Osburn 1600 was a Phase 1 certified Osburn Mark II. And I've
never seen anything burn cleaner! Never had to use anything but a foxtail
brush to clean out the inside of the stove, never taken out a double
handful of residue from any Osburn chimney system. Never seen any stove
keep the glass so clean. No wonder I'm an Osburn Stove Fanatic!
Bill Kline
CSIA Certified Sweep #257
This Months Digest sponsored by The Condar Company
Stove Thermometers, Replacement Catalytic Combustors and Replacement Firescreens
Visit our Site at http://hearth.com/condar or email to [email protected]
End of digest
Subject: Hearth Digest 7/27/96
1.For your information
No , there is nothing wrong with the mailing list ! I have received 10 messages
asking where the digests have been lately...well, guess what.....if you
have not been posting, then there is no info to share ! Reminds me of a
little thought I had about:
Top-Down as opposed to Democratic "being"
You see, most of us are used to getting information from the top down. We
expect CNN, HPA , NBC, etc. and our reps and manufacturers to tell us what
is going on. This is the "old" model of information, and is not
what this list is based on.
Every member of this list is as important as any other..no top-down method
of news gathering. The list depends upon YOU to share information with the
group. Not just complaining, but information. Please read the charter of
the Hearth Mailing list at : http://hearth.com/news/club.html
This top-down approach is pervasive in many places. The HPA could be more
effective if all of us members gave them more input...your local town might
govern better if they heard what you have to say. Think about it..do you
want to empower yourself and your points of view, or sit on the sidelines
and suck up the information given to you as "truth". I hope we
can see posts from folks other than us 12 or so "big mouths".
Of course, many folks (myself included) have vacation time...altho I still
get my email EVERY day !
Since there is no big news, I'll share the following with you:
1. HearthNet Newsletter - We have just send out a newsletter with a bunch
of good "net" information. Many of you folks should be on the
mailing list, but I'll also be publishing it online within a few days. I'll
post the URL as soon as I get it up.
has announced that they are going to provide Postmarks for email. These
will be just like the paper versions. Your email will go thru post office
computers, which will verify your identity and the time/date/place before
sending it on with an approved postmark. The acceptance of the internet
medium represents a big step forward for electronic commerce. Make no mistake
about it...the Net is here to stay !
Interesting Net fact of the week....The FBI guy in charge of the TWA flight
800 investigation gave his email address on national TV in order for folks
with info to email him.
Silly Net Fact of the week......It's gone too far....when I was on vacation
in Brigantine , NJ this week (a sleepy beach town) ..the old, funky arcade
at the end of the island had a signs proclaiming their web site, and their
email address......what for ? Next thing you know we'll be able to visit
the web sites of the Rest Stops in the New Jersey Turnpike !
This Months Digest sponsored by The Condar Company
Stove Thermometers, Replacement Catalytic Combustors and Replacement Firescreens
Visit our Site at http://hearth.com/condar or email to [email protected]
End of digest
July 28, 1996
1. Majestic "CFM" retail stores ?
2. Gas Training from Hearth Education Foundation
From : Craig Issod
- Two small items of note - I have done away with my first email address
- [email protected] - all mail to me should be addressed to [email protected]
- in addition, be sure that you address any posts to this list to [email protected]
-- thanks !
1.Majestic "CFM" retail stores ?
From: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 1996 14:01:43 -0400
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Hearth Digest 7/27/96
I just heard a story about Majestic "CFM" opening retail stores
of there own
in the northeastern U.S. wonder if anyone has any info on this? Also heard
that Majestic had a flood in Indiana and no product will be shiped for up
to a month.
Greg Hopkins
A Cozy Fireplace
2. Gas Training from Hearth Education Foundat
From: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 1996 13:27:54 -0400
To: [email protected]
Subject: Hearth Gas Training
I just returned from the RMHPA annual meeting last week in Breckenridge
Colorado where I attended a gas training seminar that was put on by Mac
McGraw from the Hearth Education Foundation. IT WAS EXCELLENT! Mac was
very well versed in the subject, was entertaining while at the same time
very informative. He knows his subject very well, and never read the manual
to us but TAUGHT us the information. I went into the Certification test
feeling like I really knew the material and would have no problem passing
test. If you have the opportunity to attend his seminar, I would HIGHLY
recommend it to everyone! I truly believe that the Hearth Education
Foundation is doing a terrific job. Although a lot of manufacturers on
HPA board do not feel that anyone cares about Certification, I have to
wholeheartedly disagree. Certification shows that you are serious about
business, and care to do it right! I think everyone that has taken the
and energy to get Certified needs to inform your HPA board how you feel
Certification and the future of it.
Connie Scott
This Months Digest sponsored by The Condar Company
Stove Thermometers, Replacement Catalytic Combustors and Replacement Firescreens
Visit our Site at http://hearth.com/condar or email to [email protected]
End of digest
July 30 , 1996
1. Heat n' Glo and Heatilator merge !
Multiple sources have announced that the Heatilator/HeatNGlo merger has
come to pass. Heat n' Glo will join with Heatilator Inc. to form a new entity
that will be a subsidiary of Hon Industries.
Those of you involved with these companies have already received a fax with
the details. We will try to post a press release in the next day or so.
This Months Digest sponsored by The Condar Company
Stove Thermometers, Replacement Catalytic Combustors and Replacement Firescreens
Visit our Site at http://hearth.com/condar or email to [email protected]
End of digest
July 31, 1996
In this issue:
Press Releases, Q & A etc. from Heat n' Glo
From Jody Shimek <[email protected]>
Note from the Webmaster: First, this is the only content of this digest,
so if it doesn't interest you, delete your email. Second, I applaud Heat
n" Glo for their timely communciation ! Not only did they email these
releases to us (saves typing) - but they've called me twice to see if
they could answer any other questions !
1. Press Release
Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products, Inc. and Heatilator Inc. Agree to Merge
Minneapolis, MN (July 30, 1996). Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products, Inc.
announced today that it has entered into an agreement in principle with
Industries to combine
Heat-N-Glo Fireplaces and Heatilator Inc., a subsidiary of Hon Industries.
The combined entity will be a subsidiary of Hon Industries and will have
initial annual sales in excess of $160 million. Heat-N-Glo is a private
business founded by the Shimek family. The family will continue to be
actively involved in the management of the new entity and will retain an
equity position. The transaction is subject to the execution of a
definitive agreement, approval by both companies' Boards of Directors, and
regulatory clearance.
Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products, Inc. is headquartered in Savage, Minnesota
and manufactures fireplace products and distributes products throughout
United States and Canada. Heat-N-Glo holds in excess of 15 Industry Patents
and is best known for the development of the Industries first direct-vent
gas fireplace. Heatilator Inc.'s headquarters and manufacturing facility
is in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and it distributes a broad range of wood and gas
fireplace and stove products throughout the United States and Canada. Both
Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products, Inc. and Heatilator, Inc. are well recognized
for their brand names and quality products. Following the combination,
is expected that both companies, under existing management, will continue
independently market their products under their own brand names, selling
through their respective existing channels of distribution.
Dan Shimek, Vice President of Heat-N-Glo Fireplaces, Inc., said "This
partnership offers a great opportunity for our customers to offer the
highest quality fireplace products on the market. The combination of
innovative technology, manufacturing expertise and customer focus will
ensure future strength".
2. Q & A
Heat-N-Glo Announcement
Will Heat-N-Glo and Heatilator consolidate distribution?
We do not anticipate any changes in distribution at this time.
Are Heat-N-Glo and Heatilator going to control the market and jointly decide
No. Each company will compete freely in their respective markets.
Will the two company's product lines be merged and consolidated like CFM
Each company will maintain separate and distinctive product lines.
may be some consolidated manufacturing of specialty products in the future.
Can I get the Heat-N-Glo or Heatilator product lines if I don't have it
These decisions will be made on a market by market basis following
the same
process each company follows now to determine distribution coverage.
Are the company's planning to buy distribution or open company stores?
Each company's charter is to develop, manufacture and sell hearth
to distributors and dealers.
Why is this good for distributors and dealers?
We believe that by sharing core technology and manufacturing expertise
can develop better, more reliable products that are more cost effective
in a
quicker fashion. This should result in significant advantages for
distributors, dealers and consumers.
Are the Shimeks going to stay with the business?
The Shimeks continue to have a strong interest in the Hearth Products
Industry and have a substantial equity position in the new entity. They
continue to be very actively involved.
How big will the combined entity be?
The combined sales will be well in excess of 160 million US dollars.
3. Customer Letter
Dear Valued Customers:
As many of you perhaps have been aware, during the past year we have been
evaluating various business partnerships that would work best to strengthen
our company now and in the long term. In this process, we have placed
priority on identifying a program that is in the best interest of our
employees and our customers. We think we have identified a program that
meets these needs. We would like to announce that we have entered into
agreement to combine Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products Inc. with Heatilator
Inc. forming a new entity that will be a subsidiary of Hon Industries.
While the process is in the early stages, there are some key points for
planned direction of the respective organizations that have been identified:
Heat-N-Glo and Heatilator will maintain their existing management
Heat-N-Glo and Heatilator will continue to go to market separately with
separate sales forces through their existing distributor and dealer
Heat-N-Glo and Heatilator will continue to maintain separate product
lines and their existing brand identities.
The sales organizations of the two entities will maintain independence
freely compete for business.
The companies will pool technology expertise to rapidly advance product
performance, product features and product reliability for the benefit of
consumers, dealers and distributors.
The companies will share manufacturing expertise and know-how to produce
higher quality products in a timely fashion and in a cost effective manner.
The completion of this transaction is subject to the execution of a
definitive agreement, approval by each companies' Board of Directors and
regulatory clearance. This could take several months for completion. Hon
Industries, a Fortune 1000 company, is a leading manufacturer of metal
wood office furniture. It is located in Muscatine, Iowa and has a corporate
culture similar to Heat-N-Glo's in that it is very concerned about its
members (employees) and its customers.
We see significant advantages for our customers through this combination
technology, manufacturing expertise and customer focus. We believe that
company can develop better products through sharing of core technologies.
We are also confident that this can be accomplished while maintaining the
autonomy in the market with separate sales forces and distribution and
dealer networks.
While we are aware of current instability in the marketplace, it is our
sincere objective with this program to create improved current and long
opportunities for our employees and our customers. Since we will be
maintaining a substantial equity position in the new entity you can count
our best efforts to make this happen. If you have any questions please
not hesitate to give any of us a call (1-800-669-4328).
Best Personal Regards,
Dan Shimek Ron Shimek Steve Shimek Gerry
This Months Digest sponsored by The Condar Company
Stove Thermometers, Replacement Catalytic Combustors and Replacement Firescreens
Visit our Site at http://hearth.com/condar or email to [email protected]
End of digest
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