1/3/97 - - Back to List archives - Back to Club House
1. More THoughts on AOL
2. Good OFF_ Season Coming Up !
1. Hearth Press Release
1. HEARTH Certification
1. Industry Consultant speaks out on HEARTH
2. A reps View on HEARTH
3. Pellet Stove Makers...a lead for you ...
1. POS Programs
2. Cast Iron Mantels
3. Webheads Party if Reno still exists?
1. Rock and Roll
2.Reno Alive and Well
3. Filemaker Pro
1. More on Education - and New Manual published
2. New Product
1.Cawley-LeMay Parts
2. HPA Education Seminars Press Release
Computers...how fast will they go ?
Special We Marketing Issue
1. Pilots of a 45,000 BTU unit that take up to 4 minutes to drop out (thats a LOT of gas) -- and some that do not drop at ALL.
2. Stoves, Fireplaces that explode the glass
3. Gas Logs that continue to operate when i REMOVE the pilot flame completely (YES, disconnect it)
4. Logs sooting up houses
1. Warrcor Warranties
2. Austroflamm in Canada

This Months Digest Sponsored by: Travis Industries, America's premier manufacturer of steel wood, gas & pellet hearth products exclusively for the Speciality Hearth Retailer. See the NEW LOPI Heritage Bay, Discovery Fireplace, Avalon Avanti DVS Fireplace and Fireplace Xtrordinair 36DV-R & 32DVS gas products in our Web site. http://hearth.com/travis. Call 1 800 654-1177 or e-mail us at [email protected] for dealer information.
Webmasters Note: A footnote on my ramblings about America Online. As if to prove the point.....note the following:

One of my clients, who receives dozens of leads per week from HearthNet, emailed me stating they have not seen ANY leads for a few weeks. After spending a few hours scratching our heads and checking/rechecking, we found that the problem was with America Onlin. Not only were they not letting mail get thru, but they were not even sending it back to the sender (the usual routine). American Online says "We'll work on it after the busy holidays".

So,first, AOL locks out 40% of the web servers on the net - then they waylay thousands of important emails..and don't tell anyone. What would you do if the US Post Office acted like this ?

1. My FREE advice to anyone on this list . Get a REAL ISP (Internet Provider) if you intend to do anything worthwhile on the net.

2. Advice #2...If you are a HearthNet "tenant" and notice a sharp drop in the number of leads you receive (especially if you have a "form" on your site), please contact me immediately.

Happy New Year..... !
A short note on HearthNet in 1997
I would like to thank all the folks who have helped HearthNet. This includes our "tenants" as well as others who have contributed advice, humor and content to the site.
Hopefully, 1997 will see continued growth in the content and readership of our site (http://hearth.com). To this end, we have started a new program which allows select manufacturers and retailers to become GOLD SPONSORS of HearthNet. Just what is a GOLD SPONSOR ? These folks understand that hundreds of hours are going into improving and adding to the content at HearthNet, and have agreed to support these efforts. They understand that a REAL presence on the Web is much more than just an advertisement - it involves a responsibility to teach, share and communicate with the "netizens".
Our first GOLD SPONSORS are Travis Industries and HearthStone. Please visit the gold page link at http://hearth.com/gold.html
Inthis digest

1. More THoughts on AOL
2. Good OFF_ Season Coming Up !

1. More thoughts on America Online
From: "John Quinn"
To: "Craig Issod"
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 03:45:33 -0800
X-Msmail-Priority: Normal
X-Priority: 3
Mime-Version: 1.0
I read your thoughts on AOL.
You really do not need anything other than an ISP. All these program out there, AOL, CompuServe etc., etc. are not required whatsoever to access anything anywhere on the Internet......including chat services.
Every program needed is free of charge to download off the net. I pay my local provider a flat fee of $24.95 a month for unlimited access to anything.
I downloaded Microsoft Internet Explorer as a browser and have downloaded MIRC to access thousands of chat channels. Internet Explorer has it's own built-in dialer, a news program, a mail program etc. Nothing else is required to gain full access to Internet Services.
I looked at AOL about 2 years ago when I first got on-line. I quickly came to the conclusion that it was a scam.
Just my thoughts !
John Quinn
Factory Representative
Napoleon Fireplaces

Barrie, Ontario
2. Good OFF_ Season Coming Up !
From: Grant Darrow
Subject: Re: Hearth Digest 12/30/96

My busiest season just kicked off!! April, May and the first part of June are booked soild. For the next three months ALL my advertising (100%) is FREE!! The Great Stove Changeout starts at my shop tomarrow, and just look at what is going on!
$1.60 Propane, tons of co-op dollars unused , idle farmers listening to the radio at local coffee shops, lousy weather, ..... and all my service and warranty calls are caught up! My shop is open one day a week. Ive sold more product on the street in front of my shop, as I loaded the days work, than over the last month in my shop!!
And get this, the local gas company just handed me two marketing tools which only I can use, why because I'm already in the homes and the gas company is idle in the water until spring !!! Where and how did this happen? On the street in front of my shop. Every single employee at the gas company knows they can count on me personally as their Chimney Sweep in their own homes and out in the field when the mountain moves and severs the 4" gas main.

What a way to end 1996!!!!
willieweep last of the climbing sweeps
dancing on tippy toes

end of digest..

Send posts to [email protected]

end of Digest - Post messages to [email protected]

This Months Digest Sponsored by: Travis Industries, America's premier manufacturer of steel wood, gas & pellet hearth products exclusively for the Speciality Hearth Retailer. See the NEW LOPI Heritage Bay, Discovery Fireplace, Avalon Avanti DVS Fireplace and Fireplace Xtrordinair 36DV-R & 32DVS gas products in our Web site. http://hearth.com/travis. Call 1 800 654-1177 or e-mail us at [email protected] for dealer information.
Webmasters Comment - From Craig Issod ([email protected])
Please read the Press Release below. HEARTH has decided to forge on despite the political troubles with HPA.
Make no mistake about my opinion on this subject. I think HPA is definitely attempting to throw the baby out with the bath water. Just read the list of folks who have served on the HEARTH board - a "Who's -Who" of the industry, and a brain trust that CANNOT possibly be replaced by some hired beltway firm.
If HPA continues on their current tact, they will alienate many of this industrys' leaders..and further fracture our small organization. The losers will be all of us; customers, dealers, distributors and manufacturers.
I urge you all to support HEARTH and the concepts of education they represent. From reading the release below, it appears manufacturers will have a chance to support this program and promote it to their dealer base. Just DO IT.....
As a reminder of what happens when there is no seperation between church and state (Trade Org and Education), here's part of a message I posted to the list last year:
"I was invited to sit at a session (by HEARTH education foundation) in March at the HPA show.
I still feel the same way. Discussion and opinions from the list - both pro and con - are welcomed and encouraged.

In this digest:
1. Hearth Press Release

Contact: Ben Weathersby December 31, 1996 Phone (404) 728-0227 Fax (404) 633-8585 [email protected]
HEARTH Board Announces Plans for 1997 At its recent meeting in Portland, Oregon, the HEARTH Education Foundation Board reviewed results of its recent industry survey and set new directions for the Foundation for 1997. The survey left no doubt about the importance and effectiveness of certification programs to industry members:
* 100% of respondents agreed that sellers, installers, and servicers of hearth products should be knowledgeable about safety and technical issues.
* 69 to 84% found HEARTH manuals and exams effective or very effective.
* 89% agree or strongly agree that professional certification raises technical expertise and reduces safety and performance problems.
* 67 to 79% agreed or strongly agreed about other benefits of certification: marketing advantage through increased credibility with customers, profitability for manufacturers by reducing service/technical calls, and a positive image and status for the hearth industry.
* Over 75% agreed that the potential loss of professional certification is an important industry issue.
The HEARTH Board resolved to take a number of actions in response to the industry's call for continuation and strengthening of certification programs in the hearth industry:
* The HEARTH Partnership Program forms a new, direct alliance between industry manufacturers, dealers/installers, and HEARTH. The Partnership Program is based on participating manufacturers and distributors sharing in the funding of HEARTH. In turn, HEARTH will provide coupons to Partners for substantial discounts on manuals and certification exams for the Partners dealer network. Special Expo pricing and Partner coupons reduce the combination of Training Manual and Certification Exam at Reno to a net cost of $100. HEARTH partners will be recognized in the HEARTH booth (751) and with logo placards in their own booths at Reno.
* HEARTH Certification benefits will be greatly strengthened. A new HEARTH-Pro Web Page will list currently certified HEARTH Specialists on HearthNet, which receives over 20,000 visits per month. Mailings to safety officials and insurance companies will also make currently certified specialist listings widely available. Customized press releases and public service announcements will promote individual specialists and the benefits of using certified specialists.
* HEARTH Certification will place greater emphasis on maintenance of current technical information. Technical Update newsletters will focus on key industry issues and form the basis of manual revisions. As part of this effort, certification will be valid for one year after successful completion of the exam. Annual renewal will be accomplished through completing a form that updates current status in the industry and lists seminars, training, trade show and affiliate meeting attendance. An annual maintenance fee will cover renewal of certification, Web page and other listings, and technical update newsletters.
* HEARTH will expand regional training opportunities and develop focused workshops on current industry concerns in addition to current Gas and Pellet Exam Prep Courses.
* HEARTH is seeking more opportunities for consumer education publications similar to the highly praised Consumer Guide to Heating with Pellets.
More details on HEARTH programs for 1997 will be available at the HEARTH Booth at EXPO and at training and exam sessions held in the Reno Hilton. For more information on HEARTH offerings at Reno, contact Bev Marois at (802) 728-3569 and for information about Partnership and other programs, contact Ben Weathersby at (404) 728-0227.

This Months Digest Sponsored by: Travis Industries, America's premier manufacturer of steel wood, gas & pellet hearth products exclusively for the Speciality Hearth Retailer. See the NEW LOPI Heritage Bay, Discovery Fireplace, Avalon Avanti DVS Fireplace and Fireplace Xtrordinair 36DV-R & 32DVS gas products in our Web site. http://hearth.com/travis. Call 1 800 654-1177 or e-mail us at [email protected] for dealer information.
end of Digest - Post messages to [email protected]

Webmasters Note: The archives of the November and December digests ared now posted in the clubhouse at http://hearth.com/news/hearthlist.html
Remember the username=hearth and password=fire
I'm sorry it took so long to post these, and promise it will not happen in the future. I have taken the "bull by the horns" and developed a little Filemaker template that makes "HTMLing" these digests a breeze. The first ones might not look too good (the formatting), but I'll improve them as we go...and try to get them up within a week after the month ends.
From: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 16:21:43 -0500
To: [email protected] Subject:
Re: Hearth Certification
To all Hearthlist members:
I wholehearthly agreed with Craig that members of the speciality hearth retailers need to stand behind HEARTH and their education and certification efforts. I do not understand what our "leaders" at HPA are thinking when they are disassociating themselves from HEARTH. Do we have such a different group of leaders and a different mindset about the need for education AND professional credentials now, than we had in the eighties when our leaders at that point created WHERF ?? The need is there and even more important now, than it was then. This industry may not be burning down as many houses with wood stoves now, as we were back then but there are still dangerous installations being done every day because of a lack of knowledge.
I feel that one of the most important aspects of my job as a speciality hearth retailer is education of my customers, or potential customers. Most of my customers are VERY grateful to find someone that actually knows what they are talking about. Speaking from the perspective of someone who holds the four available HEARTH certifications and is a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep I know that these programs contributed greatly to my education. Are they all I need? of course not. I work constantly to keep up with my education in this industry. It is one of the things I enjoy about this industry, that it is not static and boring. It is a challange to keep up with the changes and improvements that are always happening. But if I did not have the HEARTH certifications as one of the available avenues for education, then I would be that much poorer in knowledge. I think that the HEARTH programs offer an excellent base of knowledge to build on. I am also proud to display my certificates prominently in my showroom. This is what sets me apart from my competitors who are not certified. I have HEARTH's certificate to show that someone else (other than me) says that I know my stuff.
I think it is a terrific idea to have the manufacturers serve as partners for HEARTH certification. I guess we will soon learn who the real leaders in our industry are for promoting education. Will it cost them money? Of course. But I also think that with their encouragement to get their dealer networks certified that it will save them money in the long run. Their products will be better installed and serviced, creating a better reputation for their products. I can also guarantee you that I do not call my manufacturer's tech support numbers for basic questions. I reserve them for the tough questions. I also do not give out their numbers to my customers because I don't know the answers, and just want to pass off my customers to someone else to make my job easier. I just received a letter from one of my manufacturers complaining about this very thing. Is this manufacturer going to become a partner for HEARTH to show that they want their dealers to become better educated and quit wasting the manufacturer's money with uneducated calls and questions? I guarantee you I have never given a manufacturers number to a customer. I accepted the problem solving as my responsibility when I became an educated, certified speciality hearth dealer.
I am fully in support of HEARTH and their certifications and I hope that our true industry leaders, those who want to support the speciality hearth dealer will step forward and sponser HEARTH by becoming a partner. I applaud those manufacturers who have already done so, and showed their primary goal is not just to "increase their numbers" anyway they can, but they truly have the industry's best long term interests at heart.
Sorry this is so long, but I think this is an important issue that those of us who care need to speak up on.
Larry James High Country Stoves Laramie, Wyoming
end of digest
post to [email protected]

We get letters.....
As many of you know, we get LOTS of "questions to the webmasters" on HearthNet. It makes it all worth it when we get email like this:
From: Mike Goben <[email protected]>
To: Craig Issod
I just wanted to thank you for your response on my piping problems for my Fisher woodstove. I'm glad you guys are availble to us on the web. It sure makes it nice knowing there's a professional resource like yourself out there when we need one. I will probably contact you guys in the near future to discuss fireplace inserts.
Take care and have a great new year!
Mike Goben

1. Industry Consultant speaks out on HEARTH
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 10:35:31 -0800
From: John Gulland
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: Gulland Associates Inc.
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: [email protected]
Subject: Hearth versus HPA
The ongoing scrap between Hearth and HPA is a tragic waste of time and resources. Like Craig, I am inclined to support Hearth, not because I know that much about the behind-the-scenes machinations, but mainly because the people involved with it have more than proved their committment to the industry over the years. These are reasonable people and I can't imagine them making unreasonable demands of HPA, the trade association Hearth has been affiliated with for so long.
Another reason I'm inclined to support Hearth is that it has made its basic approach and intentions clear in its various communications with the industry, whereas the news coming from HPA has been murky at best. What is HPA's agenda, anyway? If I knew, I might have some sympathy with it, but I am suspicious of anyone who can't state their case in clear terms. It might be useful to hear directly from the industry members who sit on HPA's education committee. I assume these people are well-intentioned and have the best interests of the industry in mind. Maybe they can explain why it is so necessary to hammer Hearth.
After reviewing the "Ed Letter" that outlines HPA's educational offerings for Reno, I've decided not to buy the badge that gets me into the sessions. It's not that $49 is so much money, but there is little there that interests me. This will be the first time in well over a decade that the EXPO Tool Box sessions (or whatever) will not be an important part of the annual event for me. I assume that the design of this program is based on HPA surveying and that the majority of respondents said "focus on management and sales, and minimize technical content by making it soft, superficial and non-controversial". Obviously, I'm not part of the HPA's target market, but it sure looks like "Ed Light" to me.
What would it take to get HPA to ease up a little and stop treating those who are committed to training and certification as the enemy? The hard part, of course, is that HPA is not the enemy either; we need both HPA and Hearth and we need both to be healthy, responsive and vibrant in their fields of endevor.
I sincerely hope that HPA comes around before it is too late. I fear that there is potential for a breakdown in the coalition of interests that makes the HPA as powerful as it is today. This ongoing hassle with Hearth is just one aspect of a bigger picture, but it does not reflect well on the Hearth Products Association, nor bode well for its future.
This is for business: http://www.gulland.ca
This is for pleasure: http://www.wood-heat.com
2. More on HEARTH
From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 11:09:17 -0500
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Hearth Digest 1/5/96
Hearth ED. a Reps. view : Working at the manufacturering end for nearly 25 yrs. at many levels from VP. to INSTALLER and actually teaching ( zero - clearance factory builts ) at our first industry recognized school prior to WHERF at the old JOURNAL. I have learned that sharing the wealth of knowledge from all sources in and outside our Industry is PARAMOUNT. Keeping it simple ( the education process ) and involving all that will come will spread the good news about OUR HPA . We need to take the mystery out of the Hearth business. As a working field Rep. this sure makes life better.
3. Pellet Stove Makers...a lead for you ...
From: "Dahn Rosenqvist Rosenqvit's"
Subject: pellet stove
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 10:14:02 +0100
X-Msmail-Priority: Normal
X-Priority: 3
Mime-Version: 1.0
Dear Sir.
We are a company in Sweden working in Skandinavia with enery and pellets manufacturing.
We looking for a indore PELLETS STOVE to ouer program to costomars. Are you intresting to cominto the Skandinavian market witch is the biggest growing send information about your program of stoves.
Dahn Rosenqvist
Manager director.

Dahn Rosenqvist
Gringelstadsvägen 118
291 97 Gärds Köpinge , Sweden
Phone +46 (0) 44235217
Fax +46 (0) 44235601
send posts to [email protected]

This month's digest is sponsored by Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products, the innovators of gas and direct vent fireplaces. Visit our web site at http://www.heatnglo.com to find out more about our full line of gas and woodburning fireplaces, including our new CampFyre fireplace. ------------------------------------------------------------------
IN this digest:
1. POS Programs for Mac
From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 10:05:53 -0500 (EST)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Macintosh POS Systems
There's nothing like a hurricane to make you aware of how "loose " your ship is. To say that the crew and captain at Taproot have been swept away so far this season is a major understatement. I can't recall a year where the pace of business has been so frantic. We've barely been able to hang on. Back orders.. voice mail.. busy signals.... lost invoices...four lines ringing...has it shipped?...where are the parts... out of fax paper..., you did order it didn't you?... it's Mrs. Blake on line three again, .... blah, blah, blah. So.....after twenty years in the hearth business I've decided it's time to get a point of sale system and get a grip on the beast. We've used Multi-ledger for years to handle our accounting and a number of other programs for producing ads, forms and DTP projects. Our small Mac based LAN works great, but when it comes to dealing with order tracking, inventory control and POS functions we're still in the cash register/ cigar box mode. What I could really use is input ( good, bad or indifferent) regarding Mac based point of sale systems. I've looked at POS-IM from Ensign Systems and POS/OE 4 Mac by E.E.S. but that's the extent of it. There's lots out there that's not Mac based, but I'm not quite ready to join the "dark side" just yet. If anyone has any recommendations let me here from you! Keep the Home fires burning!
Dave Coppinger
Taproot Hearth & Patio
(webmasters note) Dave, We use Filemaker Pro to run POS in two stores. So far, it has tracked over 10 Million dollars for us without losing a cent....We made up our own templates, which are tailored to our needs..and improving (slightly) as we go along. There are other Mac POS programs, some based on 4D (a database)..POS-IM is the most popular, but I demoed quite a few and found that none suited my needs. Did you check out a demo from HearthPro - the software made for Hearth Dealers ? I'd gladly send you copies of my templates, but without a personal explaination..you'd never make sense of it...If you ever feel like driving up, we've got two extra bedrooms. I have another good demo of a POS at the store...I'll get the name and email you... the folks are really nice.
Other on the list (you- Rona) , post your experience....

2. Anyone have a lead for these folks ?
(webmasters note)--Please email to the person below if you have any leads)
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 1997 10:10:03 -0800
From: Jackie Zammit
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: [email protected]
Subject: cast iron mantels
X-Url: http://query1.whowhere.com/jwz/email.more.wsrch?24,10,7,054/puPdZcl
I would like to enquire if you have any catalogues re cast iron/brass mantels or if you know anyone I can contact.
Thanks in advance for your co-operation.
3. Webheads Party if Reno still exists?
X-Sender: [email protected]
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 20:59:35 -0600
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Mud City... WebHeads
Is 5 ft of water a problem? I have not heard anything about the Reno cleanup...Is this something that we should be concerned about? I haven't attended a mud event in over 20 years....... so whats to worry...... I am sure the tables will all spin accurately and the carpets will be new.... ............................................................................ ........................................................................ This is not like trying to clean up a manufacturing plant and getting things back on schedule..... this is Nevada ..... not Indiana. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't go for the discount offers on the ground level suites.....
Are we having a second annual WebHead get together? ............. I for one vote in favor and will contribute............ Got to plan ahead for the important events you know.
(webmasters note)
OK, who's the list members in Reno...Willieweep or whatever, and who else.... Anyone know any good blues bands in the Reno area. I, for one, am tired of the bar-mitzah bands at the HPA show.... " Take this job and shove it" - gimmee a break..... I want Jimi Hendrix, Elvis or maybe Stevie Ray..... Rock and Roll will never die !
I'm willing to donate also, but we may need to arrange this one ... which nights are best ? Thursday Eve....Friday, Sat.... When is the HPA thing ?

end of digest.....

This month's digest is sponsored by Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products, the innovators of gas and direct vent fireplaces. Visit our web site at http://www.heatnglo.com to find out more about our full line of gas and woodburning fireplaces, including our new CampFyre fireplace. ------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Rock and Roll
2.Reno Alive and Well
3. Filemaker Pro
1.Rock and Roll
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 1997 20:54:40 -0800
From: Jim Butchart
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: Hearth and Color Shop
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: Craig Issod
Subject: Re: Hearth Digest 1/9/97
Craig Issod wrote:
> I want Jimi Hendrix, Elvis or maybe Stevie
> Ray..... Rock and Roll will never die !
We will have to get a "medium" to get those guys to play for us. But one
Hell of a party it would be. (I've got Tin Pan Alley playing right now
on the 'puter cd [Couldn't Stand the Weather - SRV])
Jim Butchart
[email protected]
2.Reno Alive and Well
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 06:12:48 -0800
X-Sender: [email protected] (Unverified)
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: Craig Issod
From: Jon Greene
Cc: [email protected]
We survived the great Reno Flood of 1997! The area that we are in was badly flooded and the evacuation order lasted 5 days due to both water and to backed up sewer lines. There are still a few businesses that are under water. However, as far as I know, there were no losses to any one in the Hearth industry. The worst part was that I had to reschedule several installs and service appointments. For those of you that are interested in flood information or in general Reno Information for the show, start with ** Yes, a Reno show "WebHead" get-to-gether would be fun.
See you all in Reno
Jon Greene
Buck Stove & Home Center
3.Filemaker Pro POS
From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 09:46:46 -0500 (EST)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Hearth Digest 1/9/97
Dear Craig, I was interested to learn you use Filemaker Pro for a POS system. We, too, have to do something about developing a POS system and I haven't found anything yet. We have all our inventory on a Filemaker Pro database and I just need to find time to develop my own templates. Have been working too many hours to find the time to develop something. We're dedicated Mac users and I know we're going to have to invest in buying a few more computers. Would you be willing to share your templates? It might help me work with our inventory. Also, do you use a scanner or do you use an ID # to bring up your data? We use MYOB for our accounting which also has our inventory on it, and I know there are ways to combine information. Thanks. Wendy Feen, Feen's Country Living, Leominster, MA
[email protected]
Sparks, NV
(Craig Replies) Wendy, we use a simple SKU# to bring up our data. Our system is a bit "rough and ready", but it suits us well. I'd be willing to share the templates, but there are a few problems:
1. They are not fully documented, so you may not get full use without disecting them for awhile.
2. We are just now upgrading the stores to the "relational" 3.0 version. Up to now, our inventory was only updated at the end of each day, where as the 3.0 version updates as soon as the data is entered.
Our template is good at mananging daily bank deposits, etc..for instance, at the end of each day it prints out a checklist of cash, checks and MC that should be in the drawer. The clerk simply makes a checkmark next to each item, and puts it in an envelope.
Fot those of you who don't know, usually the "back-end" accounting, like Quickbooks, MYOB, etc, is seperate from the POS (front counter) system. Our controllers have always liked it that way, and say they would not save a lot of time if we integrated it, so I simply provide her with the bank deposits and end of month sales tax reports....and of course, have to give her info at year end....but it only takes a few minutes.
Our same POS also writes personal "Thank You" letter at the end of each month, keeps the names for mailing list, warranty, etc., and allows us to know up-to-the-minute what our sales volume is.
By the way, the name of a good MAc POS vendor:
db Solutions
Single and Multi-store solutions based on Flexware, a heavy duty data manager..

Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 17:23:56 -0800 (PST)
X-Sender: [email protected]
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: Craig Issod
From: Wayne Rourke
Subject: Re: Hearth versus HPA
I read with interest the comments on Hearth and HPA and agree with John Gulland and Craig. The real problem is that the member manufacturers don't really want the attentees of the Reno Show to attend the Educational Sessions because they have spent so much money to be at this show. I just spent a couple of hours setting up the details for the Reno show for our group of 5 here at Northwest Stoves and all of my staff that are attending said that there wasn't a lot that interested them at the education sessions. Yes, I will still buy a $ 49.00 badge for them but its too bad they are so LITE WEIGHT. I guess this is the reason that the Wood Gas Forum in Toronto is so popular (except last year). Gas Fireplace Assoc in British Columbia did the Western Fireplace Forum 96 last year for the following reason. We are not doing the Western Fireplace Forum in 97 but we will do it in 1998. So Folks, If you want to get Educated go to the show in Toronto in June or a number of good distributor shows in the U.S.A. because HPA is not doing it.......TOO BAD...
See you in Reno
Wayne Rourke
Northwest Stoves
end of digest
Send Posts to [email protected]

This month's digest is sponsored by Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products, the innovators of gas and direct vent fireplaces. Visit our web site at http://www.heatnglo.com to find out more about our full line of gas and woodburning fireplaces, including our new CampFyre fireplace. ------------------------------------------------------------------
1. More on Education - and New Manual published
2. New Product

Contact: Ben Weathersby January 18, 1996 Phone (404) 728-0227 Fax (404 633-8585 E-mail [email protected]
HEARTH Chimney Venting Manual Receives High Praise Reliable Chimney Venting, written by John Gulland, was recently named the best-organized and most useful publication available on chimneys by Energy Design Update, a prestigious newsletter aimed at builders and architects interested in cutting edge energy issues. Editor Ned Nissons glowing review in his article The Best Book on Chimney Venting praises Gullands ability to present sophisticated building science principles...in an easy-to-understand, well-illustrated fashion. Nisson calls the manual an extremely practical publication and cites its replacement of outdated rules of thumb with techniques based on the dynamics of air pressure in homes to prevent and diagnose chimney problems, including causes of flue reversal and solutions, dealing with effects of wind and exhaust appliances, and pros and cons of outdoor air supply. Reliable Chimney Venting is published in the U.S. by HEARTH Education Foundation. John Gulland presents the HEARTH training seminar Chimney Performance in Modern Homes, Thursday, March 6 before the HPA Expo 97 in Reno. The registration fee includes a copy of the manual. To register for the seminar or to order the manual, call HEARTH at (802) 728-3569.

2. New Product
From: "Ted M. Benchley"
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: AbriBois Inc.
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: [email protected]
Subject: New Product
Hello, my name is Ted M. Benchley, a young inventor of a product geared towards all the people that enjoy the warmth and ambience of a fireplace.
My company, AbriBois Inc., is the manufacturer of the "Dry-Keeper", a lightweight portable shelter for firewood. The frame is made of a high resistant PVC pipe and fittings requiring no adhesives for easy assembly/disassembly and a cover made from a woven polyethylene material resistant to UV rays, washable and lightweight. Four sizes are currently available for storing one to four face coords of firewood.
We are currently seeking potential distributors and for further information please feel free to contact myself.
Best Regards...
Ted M. Benchley - President
AbriBois Inc.
605 Trudel
St-Jerome, PQ J7Z 5M2
[email protected]
end of digest
send posts to [email protected]

This month's digest is sponsored by Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products, the innovators of gas and direct vent fireplaces. Visit our web site at http://www.heatnglo.com to find out more about our full line of gas and woodburning fireplaces, including our new CampFyre fireplace. ------------------------------------------------------------------
It just keeps going.....and you though the 200MHZ Pentiums or 225-300 MHZ PowerMacs were quick....get a load of this article from BYTE Magazine:
____Start of quoted material_________
From BYTE Magazine - www.byte.com
PowerPC Speed Demon
Exponential Technology's 533-MHz bipolar microprocessor will breathe new life into the PowerPC architecture and the Macintosh.
Tom R. Halfhill
There's an old joke about a computer so fast it can execute an infinite loop in 10 seconds. Exponential Technology's new PowerPC-compatible X704 chips aren't quite that fast, but their clock speeds of 466, 500, and 533 MHz make you wonder if that joke might come true.
You can bet that Intel isn't laughing. Exponential's CPUs will munch on Pentium and Pentium Pro chips for breakfast. What's more, the X704 appears to have plenty of headroom for future performance gains. It's actually a conservative design that doesn't push the limit of what's possible.
____End of quoted material_________
Another article I read from the Washington Post states that one should not run out and buy one of those new Pentium MMX based systems based on the speed. Turns out the speed increase will only be about 10%, and then only on certain supported software ( much of which will take a year or more to appear)..The article even claimed that certain programs may actually slow down as a MMX result. All these companies would love us to sell our trusty steeds and buy new ones.....truth is, the "older" computers will do 90% + of what folks need to do. I still use 1988-1990 Macs in parts of my business, and these do the job fine. Unless you are editing 3D and Video your existing system (Intel 486 and newer, Mac 68030 and newer) will probably do just fine !

1.Cawley-LeMay Parts
From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 13:52:31 -0500 (EST)
To: [email protected]
Subject: A blast from the past
Does anyone know if anyone has replacement parts for the old Cawley LeMay woodstoves? We have an old customer that bought one from us, appreciates the beauty of his stove and needs an interior bafle plate. I almost forgot about the line until this guy came in. I assume that it is as much a part of history as the Nixon administration but thought I'd ask. If anyone has a lead, please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thanks.
Skip Stahmer
Sierra Timberline
Grass Valley, CA
(Skip, I know there is an outfit out of Ore or Wash that sells these..hope someone on the list will give you an address) - ed
2. HPA Education Seminars Press Release
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 13:03:38 -0800
From: Danusha Dehipitiya
Organization: Hearth Products Association
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: [email protected]
Subject: News Release...
X-Mime-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by gw1.mail.psi.net id MAA14334
Please post the following news release at your earliest convenience.

January 14, 1997
Kate Poindexter
Director of Communications
(703) 522-0086

Arlington, VA --- HPA's new educational program will debut at Hearth & Home EXPO '97 March 5 - 10 in Reno, NV. The program, featuring 39 different seminars, is organized into three tracks: Management, Sales/Marketing, and Technical. While educational programming is scheduled throughout the show, EXPO '97 has been expanded to include two "education only" days March 5 - 6.
"The fact that we have reserved the first two days of EXPO '97 to education exclusively, shows HPA's dedication to our program. We've worked hard to provide the best speakers available, real working experts in diverse areas. And by keeping costs down --- an education badge runs only $49 --- we have made the program accessible to everyone," said HPA's education committee chairman Bill Sendelback, Breckwell Hearth Products/NSO.
"The real reason why our programs are second to none is that we've asked experts in the hearth industry to explain how technology relates to us. We believe it was a real coup to get industry veterans like Craig Issod and Jim Butchart to teach others about employing computers in hearth retailing businesses," Sendelback said.
HPA's program is the most extensive and varied hearth industry educational offering to date. The committee took great pains to ensure that the topics featured in the program would be relevant to all hearth dealers. There is something for everyone.
"Our education committee volunteers have worked hard to put together the best program in the industry. I want to thank each and every one of them," said Sendelback.
In addition to Bill Sendelback, HPA's education committee members are: Ross Barton, Ace Fireplace & Lawn Center, Ontario, OR; Stephen Magnotti, The Fireplace, Pittsburgh, PA; Judy Miller, The Woodburners Two, Falls Church, VA; Kirk Newby, Associated Energy Systems, Kent, WA; Steven Pawley, Steven Pawley, Inc., Rochester, NY; Ken Rajesky, Vermont Castings, Inc., Bethel, VT; Paul Stegmeir, St. Paul, MN; Glen Swenson, Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products, Inc., Savage, MN; and John Turner, Cricket On the Hearth, Inc., Rochester, NY. Here's the all-star lineup of educational programs and speakers at HPA's Hearth & Home EXPO '97.
Wednesday, March 5, 1997
Bringing Your Business To The Next Level: Time to Grow?
Speaker: Pat McGraw, Business Resource Services
9:00 am - 12:00 noon
B10 & B11; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Identifying and Locating Your Best Customers - Selling to Today's
Speaker: Jim Rubart, The Marketeers
9:00 am - 11:00 am
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Basic Gas Set-up and Installation
Speaker: Dave Pomeroy, Copperfield Chimney Supply
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
B7 & B8; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Qualifying and Properly Selling to Consumers
Speaker: Frank Andrus, ABSCO Fireplace & Patio
11:00 am - 12:00 noon
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Hiring Terrific Employees
Speaker: Kit Anderton, Woodstove & Sun
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
B10 & B11; Reno/Sparks Convention Center
Advertising: Reaching Your Best Customer
Speaker: Jim Rubart, The Marketeers
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Training and Communication - Keys to Employee Success
Speaker: Kit Anderton, Woodstove & Sun
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
B10 & B11; Reno/Sparks Convention Center
CO Detectors Update - Basic
Speaker: Paul Stegmeir, Consultant
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
B7 & B8; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Soft-Sell Techniques for the Showroom Floor
Speaker: Al Dasburg, Global Retail Specialists
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Delegating and Managing Employees
Speaker: Kit Anderton, Woodstove & Sun
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
B10 & B11; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Thursday, March 6, 1997
What Computers Can Do For You !
Speaker: Stephen Wagenheim, RealTime, Inc.
9:00 am - 10:00 am
B3 & B6; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Identifying and Locating Your Best Customers - Selling to Today's
Speaker: Jim Rubart, The Marketeers
9:00 am - 11:00 am
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Troubleshooting Woodburning Stoves and Fireplaces - Basic
Speaker: Paul Stegmeir, Consultant
9:00 am - 12:00 noon
B7 & B8; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

How To Get Started: What Do I Really Need?
Speakers: Roger Sanders, Bev Ann Timm-Fireside Spa & Patio
Russ Glidewell, Associated Energy Systems
10:00 am - 11:00 am
B3 & B6; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

The Computer Is Out of the Box - What Now?
Speakers: Kay Reynolds, Friendly Fire; Christie Martindale, Bishop
11:00 am - 12:00 noon
B3 & B6; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Qualifying and Properly Selling to Consumers
Speaker: Frank Andrus, ABSCO Fireplace & Patio
11:00 am - 12:00 noon
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

PC Networking for the Hearth Retailer Business Environment
Speaker: Michael Chern, Baker Street Computing
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
B3 & B6; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Financial Management for Non-Financial Managers - Introductory Level
Speaker: Pat McGraw, Business Resource Services
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
B10 & B11; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Advertising: Reaching Your Best Customer
Speaker: Jim Rubart, The Marketeers
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Gas Leak Detection Techniques - Basic
Speaker: Mike Rodriguez, Sierra Pacific Power Co.
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
B7 & B8; Reno/Sparks Convention Center
Computer Software: Application Opportunities for Hearth Retailers
Speaker: Jim Butchart, Hearth and Color Shop
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
B3 & B6; Reno/Sparks Convention Center
Please note: {Additional times will be set aside as computer labs for
attendees to work with tutorials and sample application exercises of
different software packages.}
Financial Management: Tool for Decision-Making - Intermediate Level
Speaker: Pat McGraw, Business Resource Services
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
B10 & B11; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

CO Detectors Update - Basic
Speaker: Paul Stegmeir, Consultant
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
B7 & B8; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Are You on the Superhighway Yet? Getting on the Entrance Ramp with the
Speaker: Craig Issod, CHI Associates
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
B19 & B20; Reno/Sparks Convention Center
Soft-Sell Techniques for the Showroom Floor
Speaker: Al Dasburg, Global Retail Specialists
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Computer Lab
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
B19 & B20; Reno/Sparks Convention Center
The computer room will be open. Please come to learn about personal
computers, get familiar with them, and test software applications.
How Liable Are You?
Speakers: Scott McElroy, Sedgwick James of WA, Inc.
Price Grandy, Grandy & Associates
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
B10 & B11; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Friday, March 7, 1997
Computer Lab
Time: Friday, March 7: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Room: B19 & B20
The computer room will be open. Please come to learn about personal
computers, get familiar with them, and test software applications.
Financial Management for Non-Financial Managers - Introductory Level
Speaker: Pat McGraw, Business Resource Services
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
B10 & B11; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Public Relations to Build Sales
Speakers: Mary Carson, WE & Associates, Ltd.
William Shadrach III, Martin Industries
Gloria Salvanelli, Vermont Castings
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Establishing An Annual Gas Servicing Program - Basic
Speaker: Dave Pomeroy, Copperfield Chimney Supply
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
B7 & B8; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Financial Management: Tool for Decision-Making - Intermediate Level
Speaker: Pat McGraw, Business Resource Services
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
B10 & B11; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Homebuilding Trends
Speaker: Leslie Ensor, Custom Home Magazine
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
B1 & B4; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

New Concepts in Store Design & Display
Speaker: Greg Gorman, GMG Design
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Indoor Air Quality/Tight Building Syndrome - Basic
Speaker: Skip Hayden, Advanced Combustion Technology
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
B7 & B8; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

How Liable Are You?
Speakers: Scott McElroy, Sedgwick James of WA, Inc.
Price Grandy, Grandy & Associates
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
B10 & B11; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Point of Purchase Techniques That Work
Speaker: Greg Gorman, GMG Design
4:20 pm - 5:20 pm
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Gas Leak Detection Techniques - Basic
Speaker: Mike Rodriguez, Sierra Pacific Power Co.
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
B1 & B4; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Saturday, March 8, 1997
Computer Lab
8:00 am - 10:00 am; 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
B19 & B20; Reno/Sparks Convention Center
The computer room will be open. Please come to learn about personal
computers, get familiar with them, and test software applications.
Managing A Service Department for Efficiency and Profitability
Speaker: Tom Grandy, Grandy & Associates
8:00 am - 10:00 am
B10 & B11; Reno/Sparks Convention Center
New Concepts in Store Design & Display
Speaker: Greg Gorman, GMG Design
8:00 am - 10:00 am
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Vent-Free Sizing and Troubleshooting - Basic
Speakers: Doug DeWerth, AGA Research
Frank Broome, Columbia Hearth & Home,
Ed Starer, Archer Marketing
Dan Melcon, consultant
8:00 am - 10:00 am
B7 & B8; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Point of Purchase Techniques That Work
Speaker: Greg Gorman, GMG Design
10:20 am - 11:20 am
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Am I Really Making A Profit?
Speaker: Tom Grandy, Grandy & Associates
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
B10 & B11; Reno/Sparks Convention Center
Computer Lab
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
B19 & B20; Reno/Sparks Convention Center
The computer room will be open. Please come to learn about personal
computers, get familiar with them, and test software applications.
Public Relations to Build Sales
Speakers: Mary Carson, WE & Associates, Ltd.
William Shadrach III, Martin Industries
Gloria Salvanelli, Vermont Castings
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Pellet Stove Installation - Basic
Speaker: Mel Monk, Energy Innovations, Inc.
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
B7 & B8; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Homebuilding Trends
Speaker: Leslie Ensor, Custom Home Magazine
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Indoor Air Quality/Tight Building Syndrome - Basic
Speaker: Skip Hayden, Advanced Combustion Technology
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
B7 & B8; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

HPA/Friedman Professional Retail Selling Video Training Program
Speaker: Harry Friedman
3:00 - 5:00 pm
B12 & B13

New Codes in Place/Practical Compliance Issues for the Hearth Retailer -
Speakers: John Crouch and Michael Van Buren, Hearth Products Association
Frank Stanonik, Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
B1 & B4; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Sunday, March 9, 1997

Hearth Products Association "Qualified Hearth Dealer Program"
Speaker: Susan Kalish, HPA Education Director
10:00 am - 11:00 am
B10 & B11; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Avoiding Deceptive Pricing and Advertising
Speaker: John Peterson, Howe & Hutton
10:00 am - 11:00 am
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

What's New in Gas Installation Technology - Basic
Speakers: Steve Hockenberry, Titeflex
Don Townsend, Simpson Dura-Vent
John Jacklich, Simpson Dura-Vent
10:00 am - 12:00 noon
B7 & B8; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Gas Research Institute Market Study Results
Speakers: Larry Dombrowski, Gas Research Institute
Mark Neiderluecke, The Axiom Group
11:00 am - 12:00 noon
B12 & B13; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

FireWright: The Training Course
Speakers: Don Kaufman, Superior Fireplace
Susan Kalish, HPA Education Director
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
B7 & B8; Reno/Sparks Convention Center

Computer Lab
10:00 am - 12:00 noon;1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
B19 & B20; Reno/Sparks Convention Center
The computer room will be open. Please come to learn about personal
computers, get familiar with them, and test software applications.

"HPA thanks all of the speakers who have graciously given time to us to
prepare presentations," said HPA's president Carter Keithley. "We
invite all hearth industry professionals from the US and Canada to sign
up for HPA's Hearth & Home EXPO '97's educational seminars. We think you
will agree that our program is second to none."
The deadline for pre-registration for HPA's Hearth & Home EXPO '97 is fast approaching. Sign up now to attend the industry's premier showcase of products, services, and educational seminars. Call HPA today (703) 522-0086 for registration information. Better yet, visit HotSpots, HPA's web site [www.hearthassoc.org] and click on the registration form to register for the show on-line.
end of digest
Send posts to [email protected]

This month's digest is sponsored by Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products, the innovators of gas and direct vent fireplaces. Visit our web site at http://www.heatnglo.com to find out more about our full line of gas and woodburning fireplaces, including our new CampFyre fireplace. ------------------------------------------------------------------
Things are changing SO FAST on the web, that what was accurate last month no longer holds true today. One of these changes is that visitors to your web site are not FREE anymore. WHY ? The answer is very simple, and can easily be seen in my experience with Stoveworks, our retail shop:
Stoveworks was one of the first Hearth Shops on the Net, and therefore received the bulk of Net visitors looking for Fireplace and related info. Soon after our posting on the Web, over 100 people per day were browsing our pages.
The Web has grown a lot since then, and there are easily twice as many web surfers (about 40 million in US and Canada)..BUT there are now dozens of sites with Fireplace and Stove related information. So, each one gets a smaller piece of the pie.
Stoveworks sees less visitors now than a year ago, even though we've been indexed by all the web search engines for a year and 1/2.
After you've done the basics, such as listing your site with search engines, etc.... the best way to get more visitors is to pay for them. This means doing advertising on the Internet in one of two fashions:
1. Pay for each Visitor - called "click-thru advertising"
2. Pay for each impression of your banner or logo - whether the surfer decides to click to your site or not.

The Net is currently sorting out the value of these advertising models, and the following trends have emerged.
1. NONE of the big sites will sell you "click-thru" visits to your web site...After all, if they can sell their advertising without having to really account for specific numbers, why should they ?
2. Click-Thrus, especially qualified ones, have become VERY valuable, with sites asking for $.50 to as much as $3.00 for each visitor to your site. The lower end of this scale does make some sense in the following manner.....
If I have a site selling stoves, gaslogs, etc...with an average ticket of $500.
and..I make a sale for every 100 visitors that come to my site.....
Then, at .50 per click, my cost per sale is $50.00, well within a good range. This says nothing of the brand recognition, communications and other functions of a web site.
As more and more businesses of ALL types enter the web (and believe me, they are)...your business may get harder and harder to find.
As a result, there are two ways a business can now look at the Internet:
1. Just be there...as a sideline - Retailers or manufacturers can easily put up a few pages,and sit back..print their URL in their newspaper ads and brochure...and they WILL see a few visitors here and there. This is surely better than no presence at all.
2. Make an Effort - Others may find that the Media pays off much better than some of their traditional expenditures. In this case, they should shift some of their print ad and other budget to the Web...and use it for site development, promotions, and buying links and listings.
As a retailer, I often spend thousands per month on newspaper ads, mailings, etc. Larger manufacturers may spend hundreds of thousands on printing, mailings, trade shows, print ads, etc. As the Web imprints itself into the landscape of America and the world, we as marketers must continually assess and re-assess the results from ALL our efforts. What was good yesterday may be a bust tommorrow...
It's still true, the Web is like the Wild, Wild West...What has changed is that some of the good land (with water, views of the mountains, etc) has been staked out already...and you may have to yield some of your hard-earned gold in order to entice the land barons to sell you a building lot, ranch or superhighway exit ramp into your town...
But ,what the heck, maybe all this will change next week !

This month's digest is sponsored by Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products, the innovators of gas and direct vent fireplaces. Visit our web site at http://www.heatnglo.com to find out more about our full line of gas and woodburning fireplaces, including our new CampFyre fireplace. ------------------------------------------------------------------
Fess Up !
Sitting on my desk are two recalls from Chrysler Corp... concerning my 1992 Van. These are for a rear door latch that MAY..in certain accidents -- fail.. Not a big deal for me since I usually always drive alone....and almost never have passengers in the rear. Yet, it's a big enough safety issue that they MUST get me to bring it in to have it fixed.
Meanwhile, as a Hearth Retailer, I sell lots of Gas Appliances. Certain of these lines have problems that are not "one-of-a kind".... but are seen in large percentages of their models... A short for-instance:
and other assorted boners.....
Strange, when I call these manufacturers and mention the problem, it usually seems as if I'm the first one they've heard. Just like "the checks in the mail" and "I'll love you in the morning"..there are a full range of stock solutions to these problems:
A. "It's a Gas Pressure Problem...the unit is very sensitive"
B. "Improper Maintenance"
C. "We've never heard of this before "(even though it happened to 3 out of 4 units I've sold)
D. "We'll take care of your problem....but this is not a problem across our product line"
E. "and many others"
In order for our Industry to mature, we are going to need a lot more cooperation from vendors. Keeping your dealers and the public in the dark about potential problems and the solutions is a lose-lose situation.
My kudos to those manufacturers who have choosen a more respectable route....
Customer Service Award (NOT) - A certain Glass Door company has been plagued by quality control and dealer relations problems. Due to these problems, we stopped carrying the line--except for special order.....
Meanwhile, one of our recent customers comes in and needs to return one of these doors for warranty - we get the factory OK and send it back ..In October.
After chasing the door for two months, we are told (yes, in these words) " We are holding your door hostage, cause we think you owe us $118."
A check of our accounts shows they owe us $3.71 - which has been OKed by two parties on their end, including their President.
Despite the customer calling then , and our pleas..we are unbale to get the door released....keep in mind this is a customer warranty, not a new order. (this makes us look REAL GOOD to the customer (NOT).
Only after threatening (and going) to the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Consumer Affairs -- plus proving beyond a doubt they owe us (even then, they said "we don't remember giving you those credits")....were we able to get them to agree to release the customers door - which we have not received as of yet -- THREE MONTHS...
--Craig [email protected]
1. Warrcor Warranty
2. Outdoor Marketing
3. Manufactured Logs

1. Warrcor Warranty
From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 97 19:06:28 EST
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: [email protected]
Subject: Warrcor warranty
We bought some of these warranties a few years ago, and have never had a claim despite the fact that we "gave away" (never sold) about 30 or more of them. When the owner of one of these warranties had his gas insert fan give out he came to us for service. We - not really trusting Warrcor - tried to get in touch with them. 800# phone doesn't work, and no one is reachable. Does any member of this hearth list have any experience on how to get Warrcor to respond so we can ascertain that we will get paid before we spend money we don't have on this fellow? Alternatively what does get their attention? Is theer a warranty company who does what they say they will do when one buys the product? Cal Wallis
2. Outdoor Marketing
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 12:53:46 -0500
From: Louis Tweed
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: Tad Tweed Trucking
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: Craig Issod
Subject: Marketting Outdoors
To the digest:
I am looking for a tent/enclosure for displaying pellet, direct vent gas, direct vent coal stoves outside. I am starting to display our stoves at county fairs, fall home shows, etc. I need something to display operating stoves, barbeques, etc. Any thoughts or ideas on what to get, and/or where to purchase this type of display would be greatly appreciated. Louis Tweed
Mace Energy Supply
Smithsburg, MD
3. Manufactured Logs
X-Sender: [email protected]
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 15:29:54 -0800
To: [email protected]
From: Christie Martindale
With all the rain and snow we've been getting in the Eastern Sierra people in the area are running out of wood. I get manufactured logs from one supplier in Idaho, but he is back ordered forever! Does any one know of another manufacturer for compressed logs that are 100% wood?
See You in Reno!
Christie Martindale
send posts to [email protected]

This month's digest is sponsored by Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products, the innovators of gas and direct vent fireplaces. Visit our web site at http://www.heatnglo.com to find out more about our full line of gas and woodburning fireplaces, including our new CampFyre fireplace. ------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Warrcor Warranties
2. Austroflamm in Canada

1. Warrcor Warranties
X-Sender: [email protected]
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 13:30:13 -0500
To: Ken Bahr
From: Charlie Swett (by way of Craig Issod)
Subject: Re: Hearth Digest 1/26/97
Cal Wallis wrote:
>We bought some of these (Warrcor) warranties a few years ago, and have
never had a
>claim despite the fact that we "gave away" (never sold) about 30 or more of
>them. When the owner of one of these warranties had his gas insert fan
>give out he came to us for service. We - not really trusting Warrcor -
>tried to get in touch with them. 800# phone doesn't work, and no one is
Warrcor is not answering your phone calls because they are out of business. They closed their doors about 4 months ago. Warrcor supposedly had an insurance policy to cover the warranties. Either they didn't or the lawyers, as usual, decided that nobody was going to get paid until they got their pound of flesh.
At this point in time it appears that your options are limited. If you purchased the warranties through an appliance manufacturer, I suggest that you contact them to determine how the warranty is going to be handled. If you purchased the warranties directly from Warrcor, you probably need to talk to your attorney.
Charlie Swett
Crossroads Sales Co.
Portland, OR
2. AustroFlamm in Canada
X-Sender: [email protected]
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 13:30:30 -0500
To: Ken Bahr
From: "Pat Kerr" (by way of Craig Issod)
Subject: Austroflamm
Austroflamm is no longer distributed in Canada to our knowledge, however we need to order parts. Can anyone direct us to the U.S. distributor for Austroflamm pellet, gas and wood appliances? Thanks,
Pat Kerr
Sunworks Hawkesbury Ontario
[email protected]
Pat Kerr
[email protected]
[email protected]
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