Hearthlist Digest #501 - Wednesday, September 27, 2000 HearthNet top 100,000 visitors/month by "Craig Issod" <[email protected]>
(back) Subject: HearthNet top 100,000 visitors/month From: "Craig Issod" <[email protected]> Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 22:45:33 -0400 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sept 26, 2000 Contact: Craig Issod, President CHI Associates 6095-654-7140 email: [email protected] Renewed interest in alternative energy solutions sparked by the recent rise in fuel prices has catapulted HearthNet into a new category of web sites - those getting over 100,000 visitors a month. These visitors are reading over 700,000 pages of both commercial and informational hearth related content. "I admit it, I'm flabbergasted" said HearthNet founder Craig Issod when asked about the new milestone. "When HearthNet was first founded in 1995 we set a goal of 10,000 visitors per month, and never even imagined we'd reach that point. Now we're doing 10 times the business, and it seems as if readership is still on the upswing". Not many companies like to turn away business, but Craig has actually limited sponsorships and advertising on HearthNet. "We are not accepting any new fireplace and stove manufacturers into our program for at least the remainder of the year" says Issod. "This will assure our current and long time sponsors the maximum benefit from their investment in our company". Not that all businesses have been turned away. HearthNet is still accepting both retailers and accessory manufacturers into the directory. Also under consideration would be unique products that are not currently represented on HearthNet such as BBQ grills and outdoor fireplaces. Since HeartNet has year-round traffic, these and other related categories could reach a lot of qualified eyeballs. One problem with all these visitors is whether HearthNets infrastructure and server computers can handle the load. Craig assures us that HearthNet is served by two dedicated computers, which according to him "are barely breaking a sweat" handling the current load of 3500+ visitors per day. However, Issod does mention that, given this years traffic, a network expansion might be in the cards for the spring of 2001. Issod shrugs off questions of whether the increased traffic and readership are a result of market forces or just plain luck. "In this industry, there is always something changing and growing" Craig opines. "After 22 years in the trenches, I've learned not to predict - but rather to be grateful for the opportunity to help others with their heating needs". If current trends continue, it looks like HearthNet and Craig will have plenty of folks lining up for just that.