Hearthlist Digest #471 - Thursday, August 10, 2000
Ideas on dealing with cheap vent-free competition?
  by "Fran Marengo" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Ideas on dealing with cheap vent-free competition? From: "Fran Marengo" <[email protected]> Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 16:35:19 -0400     To: Hearth Email List <[email protected]> Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2000 Subject: IDEAS ON DEALING WITH CHEAP VENT-FREE COMPETITION?     Has anyone found any line of vent-free fireplaces that when purchased in bulk, can compete with the Vanguard line, at price war prices? = Particularly needed is a firebox & logset package, with the controls to the logs accessible through a grill below. Alternately, does anyone know of any = 18" logsets to fit a vent-free 36" box that can be purchased for around $100? Discontinued models would be acceptable.   Fran Marengo, [email protected]