Hearthlist Digest #468 - Friday, July 21, 2000 RE: Hearthlist Digest #463 Head in computer several hours a day. - 07/1 by "John Bassemier" <[email protected]> Re: Manufacturers coming around by <[email protected]>
(back) Subject: RE: Hearthlist Digest #463 Head in computer several hours a day. - 07/11/00 From: "John Bassemier" <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 20:23:49 -0400 > [John Bassemier] Dear Jim, I have three companies to manage, dozens of employees, millions of dollars in sales annually, represented by over 30,000 computer assisted invoices,as well as doing most of the hands-on training of our service techs and sweeps, so would you please be more specific how I can spend "several hours a day with my head in the computer"? [John Bassemier]
(back) Subject: Re: Manufacturers coming around From: <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 20:24:37 -0400 Supp's, Mfg.'s and the Net (any TECHIE device) The Mfg.'s are the last to come around, after 30yrs at this level = ideas start with the end users and roll to the land of the smoke stack. God = Bless astute Sales and Marketers who are willing to take the bumps and bruises = when they take these ideas back to owners. I can't wait to see these faces when the competitors make Retail and wholesale Presentations with Virtual Caving Multi Media Digital Device Images, (look Ma no Lit.). Larry Hammonds Shore Lines Manufacturers Group Inc. www.shore-lines.com