Hearthlist Digest #612 - Saturday, May 26, 2001
Outdoor Fireplaces
  by "Fireplace Editions" <[email protected]>
  by "Edwin J. Fackler" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Outdoor Fireplaces From: "Fireplace Editions" <[email protected]> Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 19:07:04 -0400     Stainless Fireplace listed for outdoor use is also manufactured by Majestic. Isokern makes a lightweight masonry component system for outdoor fireplaces as well.   Of course neither are "high efficiency"......Roger Sanders' comments about using log lighters is quite interesting....any experience with this in indoor open fireplaces??   Rebecca Carnes Fireplace Editions    
(back) Subject: Re:outdoor From: "Edwin J. Fackler" <[email protected]> Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 23:14:40 -0400       Hey, Craig--------that note from "The Bend Flash" about burning that log lighter real low while burning wood really works--------try it----I went through 21/2 cords of wood last year in my fireplace and I am amazed how clean the flue is----------clean flue looks like less smoke to = me--------and the gas consumption is minimal, it's so little flame---------Edwin