Hearthlist Digest #582 - Saturday, March 17, 2001 WebHead Reunion Party - Thurday 7PM, Hilton by "United" <[email protected]> Meetings at Salt Lake Expo by "John Crouch" <[email protected]>
(back) Subject: WebHead Reunion Party - Thurday 7PM, Hilton From: "United" <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 11:36:35 -0500 I finally received confirmation of the Suite number for the United Buyers Group.... The HearthList WebHead Reunion Party will be located in the Hilton Salt = Lake City on 255 South West Temple St >> just across from the Convention = Center. Suite #1707.... Thurdsay March 29th 7PM I assume the party is on >>> Craig any change of plans?? Do we have enough responses off list??? Appears we have 15 responses to attend so far and 3 donations. That = should be enough to warrant a good time but I would hope we will have more.... people and donations. Hey what better can you do than eat pretzels at a Web Head party on a Thursday evening. Please post to the List to let us know if you plan to attend so we can plan the refreshments. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV= Peter are you planning to attend >>>> bringing Paul and Dicktie along too? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - --------------------------- Yes Carter, you are welcome even if John comes too. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rumor has it that the HPA national may be dropping off 40 pounds of shrimp and lobster to spice up our pretzels and chips...........was that 40 lbs = of each????............. no hip boots allowed. Ken United Buyers Group Forging a Stronger Fire
(back) Subject: Meetings at Salt Lake Expo From: "John Crouch" <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 11:37:06 -0500 Meetings, Meetings, Meetings. I know most of you don't attend HPA's Hearth and Home Expo, JUST for the wonderful meetings, but here is a list of important meeting, anyway. (-: Please forward this to anyone in your organization, or your Reps or suppliers who might need to see this. FOR MANUFACTURERS 3 Meetings. MANUFACTURERS PLENARY CAUCAS 8-9:AM Rm 151 THURSDAY MARCH 28th This meeting replaces the individual caucus meetings, which HPA used to hold, and is principally an update on a number of issues that will impact our business over the next year. Including: =B7 Air Emission Standards for High-Temperature Paint =B7 Standards and Codes (ASHRAE 62.2, National Fuel Gas Code) =B7 Canadian EnerGuide Gas Efficiency Labeling Standards =B7 Dioxins and Furans from Wood Combustion =B7 Great Stove and Fireplace Changeout =B7 Research on Wood Smoke at the National Environmental Respiratory = Center =B7 Research and Papers on Residential Wood Combustion =B7 Supreme Court Decision on Particulate Standards =B7 Policy on Wood Burning Fireplaces. =B7 Washington =96 Tax Incentives =B7 California =96 Pilot Light Prohibition =B7 California and Mid-Atlantic Region =96 Inventories on Residential Wood Combustion =B7 Vermont =96 State Ventilation Code Jack Goldman, our new HPA General Counsel & Director of Regulatory affairs will present this session. (I'll be at an EPA meeting in D.C.) The handouts will be on the HPA web site soon after Expo. GAS TECHNICAL COMMITTE Rm 150 9AM SUNDAY 1. California Pilot Lights 2. National Fuel Gas Code 3. ASHRAE 62.2 SOLID FUEL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Rm 150 10AM SUNDAY 1. PM2.5 (Supreme Ct. decision; fireplace regulatory options) 2. Dioxin/Furans--Results of Canadian Woodstove tests 3. National Environmental Research Center -- Smoke exposure tests 4. ASHRAE 62.2 5. Emission Inventory papers & other industry research 6. NFPA proposals SOMEONE from EVERY Hearth Appliance Manufacturer should be at the Plenary session, and each of the two tech meetings that are relevant. Other worth while meetings at EXPO-- Distributors, Rm 150 A 10 AM SATURDAY E-commerce Retailer Caucus Rm 151 G 8 AM SATURDAY--(yes Ken, there is coffee) (This is where I suggested that the issue of New Appliance Out gassing be brought up) Manufacturers Rep Caucus Rm 150 A 11 AM SATURDAY Other meetings, for anyone interested in the category: Barbecue & Grill Caucus Rm 151 G 10 AM FRIDAY Masonry Products Caucus Rm 150 A 4 PM FRIDAY (There are other meetings, with very specific constituencies, as always, check the schedule) Make your voice heard in the Process! See you in Salt Lake! John Crouch Director of Government Relations Hearth Products Association