Hearthlist Digest #75 - Thursday, December 11, 1997 Re: Hearthlist Digest #74 - 12/09/97 by ChmnyCharm <[email protected]>
(back) Subject: Re: Hearthlist Digest #74 - 12/09/97 From: ChmnyCharm <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 13:39:49 -0400 In regards to the 'turn-key' fireplaces, there is another company called Rustic Crafts. They have numerous styles of wood, wood/faux marble combinations and all faux marble fireplaces, along with a dozen or two different styles of logs. If you have any questions. please call me. Kevin A. Icker Chimney Charm, Inc. 1800-539-FIRE www/northeastweb.com/ChmnyCharm/index.html