Hearthlist Digest #69 - Tuesday, December 2, 1997
Re:Global Warming, Etc.
  by Ajaenglish <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Re:Global Warming, Etc. From: Ajaenglish <[email protected]> Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 19:27:23 -0400   I have a few comments and a question.   The global warming issue. While running this morning, I listened to a talk show devoted to global warming. How we heat our homes doesn't seem to be an issue with the general public, but, rather, what we drive. We are in a position to educate the public, as well as ourselves, to make the best decisions, and it is up to us, as responsible purveyors of energy-consuming products, to learn as much as we can about the affects of our products, and others, on the environment. This is a perfect forum for us, and, by virtue of a cursor, we are able to do our own moderation.   Thougts about the "big box" stores have been plaguing me lately. As do-it- yourselfers, we shop at Home Depot often. We buy brand name tools there. We ask questions about our projects and receive helpful answers. We can even attend excellent workshop sessions there. Although we can't always get everything we need, including products or answers, we are happy with the service we receive. If we usually receive knowledgable help, then why should it not be so as far as stoves and fireplaces are concerned? I finally looked at the stoves at our local store and determined to ask some good questions to see what the responses would be. What I found is the ugliest wood stoves I've ever seen. Way up above my head, there were some zero clearance fireplaces, but, unless someone were looking really hard, they'd not even see them. I didn't find anyone to question, but I left feeling no threat at all. Most of the showrooms I see have beautiful displays with nice looking product and people ready to help. Perhaps the situation is different elsewhere, but I'm happy shopping there for my projects, but I'd never shop there for a fireplace.   A number of customers in the past week have expressed interest in electric fireplaces. Recently, I met someone from the Seattle area who is selling a turn-key electric fireplace/mantle unit, but I can't find his card anywhere. If you know anything about electric fireplaces and a contact, please let me know.   This is a busy season for all of us, and we don't have much time to spend in discussion, but having a forum is important. Let's all continue to stop in, read, and thank those who take the time to make responses to help us all.