Hearthlist Digest #553 - Friday, January 26, 2001
Re: Energy Crisis
  by "Grant Darrow" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Re: Energy Crisis From: "Grant Darrow" <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 22:20:30 -0500   Energy cost   I've been corresponding w/ a gal writing an article for tomorrows 'Wall Street Journal'. She wanted to know if folks where converting gas = fireplaces to wood.   Have any of you talked with Ken Tucker at ligentics on the spot prices for N/G? I understand he shut the plant down.   One of my local ma and pa grocers told me today beer is going up over $1 p/case because of the cost of plastic.   I'm spending an alot of time getting mothballed pelletstoves going. And I have some REALLY pissed off gas customers!!!   If any of you would like an Excel spreadsheet on figuring the cost of heating, e-mail me personally because its an attachment and our leader wouldn't allow it on this list . just got a letter from Oregon's House leader, Mark Simmons, whom I mailed this spreadsheet to.   Here in NE Oregon its now cheaper to burn electricity than l/p!!!   My last shipment of stoves didn't have a single gas stove in it. these are stoves which were presold.   My county government has asked me to help put together a website presence = on woodstoves as we grapple with smoke point sources (field burning) and the EPA. Our industry can save alot of collective bacon, Roger Sanders is = right on saying this is where our focus should be.   People have always been interested in what works when the lights are out = and the cost. It's that simple. Not lawn decorations   Gas torches as you soak naked with your babe next to a gas fireplace in = the wilds of America? Time to get real.   wood fired hot tub, burning pallets of stoves you've sold , with your babe of 18 years, the kids are gone, the electricity is off, the heating stoves stoked, the dogs are fed, in the wilds of America. can't see a neighbor's light anywhere.   A 49 year olds delight. :)   This small fish loves it when markets turn upside down. Just a new bowl to swim in.   swept; willieweep                                                 Willieweep alias Grant Darrow Chimney Sweep www.northcountrystoves.com