Hearthlist Digest #231 - Wednesday, November 18, 1998 Re: Vent-Free, response to you extremists by "Roger Sanders" <[email protected]> Re: Permits by <[email protected]> Re: Vent-Free by <[email protected]>
(back) Subject: Re: Vent-Free, response to you extremists From: Roger Sanders <[email protected]> Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 18:10:49 -0500 HERE IT GOES AGAIN. It's clear that you guys just hate Vent Free and you keep doing everything possible to make Vent Free look bad. You're just a bunch of extremists. This new Consumer Reports stuff that you're so excited about is all old news. Can't you get it through your heads that the public doesn't care anymore. The more that you guys keep this up, the more real business you're losing! You "Vent Free haters" are the real culprits here, not Vent Free. You have the responsibility to honestly discuss things, but not to go on a Jehod against Vent Free. Any alleged problems are a private matter anyway and you don't have the right to continue this inquisition. Just how many customers have you "Vent Free haters" treated poorly? How many families have you forced to buy the much more expensive vented appliances, sold defective products to and generally abused with poor service? The answer is thousands. There's no question that you "Vent Free haters" are the real bad guys. You're the extremists. I'll bet you even drag $100 bills through trailer parks, just for the fun of it. You're not giving the public an honest chance to save money. You're just a bunch of greedy fat cats that are getting rich off the poor by forcing them to buy less efficient appliances and buy those "excess profit" chimney systems that aren't required. I'll admit that Vent Free may have done some things that you extremists would call immoral or unethical. It's all been apologized for. It's now time to get behind your Vent Free industry and help them do even better things for us all. Remember, their good work can go along way to saving the earth. Vent Free has been on a mission of atonement. Now, give them a chance to do the important work of our industry. That's what the public wants. The public doesn't want this continuing conflict. Just look at how many more Vent Free appliances are being sold. The public approval keeps growing in spite of all the slanderous misinformation that you guys keep putting out. Think of the earth, our families and the children for a change, not just your personal greed. Let families heat their homes inexpensively. That's all they want. Think of all the extra money that those families will have to spend on their children this Christmas if they weren't forced to by your "excess profit" chimney systems. Get over it! All the leading Vent Free opponents have lost. Even the great state of New York has approved Vent Free, California will soon be doing the same and it looks like Oregon could follow. Can't you extremist "Vent Free haters" do something good with your time and excessive profits that you've made on those poor families and their children? "The James Carville of Hearth" (Roger Sanders)
(back) Subject: Re: Permits From: [email protected] Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 22:44:32 -0500 Tell your customers they must pull their own permit. It saves you time and also protects both you and your customer. The job will be inspected and approved by the building official and that will satisfy the Insurance cos. Mr Mike
(back) Subject: Re: Vent-Free From: [email protected] Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 22:45:26 -0500 Vent Free I think the real Question may be how many folks are sick, dying or dead because of these and the real issues may be DIOXEN / AGENT ORANGE boy am I showing my age and experience. Larry