Hearthlist Digest #228 - Sunday, November 15, 1998 Re: Hearthlist Digest #226 - 11/13/98 by <[email protected]> Re: Vent Frees by <[email protected]> RE: Vent _frees by "Craig Issod" <[email protected]>
(back) Subject: Re: Hearthlist Digest #226 - 11/13/98 From: [email protected] Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 18:52:36 -0500 ROD Call Mike at Hearth and Home Newport News Va or Columbia Md. they might have some Preway left. They took the last trucks. LARRY
(back) Subject: Re: Vent Frees From: [email protected] Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 11:10:49 -0500 Consumer Digest in in business to make money.If they didn't have something negative to say they could not stay in business. I have proven over and over again that the breath of even a light smoker contains more carbon dioxide than any normal vent free can produce directly above its flame (s) when installed and operating properly. I've slept with vent frees and keep several burning in our stores all day long and cannot detect any carbon dioxide with professional co2 detectors. All of my competitors that thought they knew more what was best for their customers than what the customers thought was best for themselves are no longer self-employed. If I thought vent-frees were as dangerous to my customers personal health as self-serving consumer magazines were to the average small business person, I would quit selling them.
(back) Subject: RE: Vent _frees From: Craig Issod <[email protected]> Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 11:31:35 -0500 [email protected] said: >Consumer Digest in in business to make money.If they didn't have something >negative to say they could not stay in business. >If I thought vent-frees were as dangerous to my customers personal health as >self-serving consumer magazines were to the average small business person, I >would quit selling them. The above quotes are just one persons opinion, however, we must keep in mind some facts: 1. Consumer Report is a non-profit and accepts no ads. They are not in business to "make money", but to try and sort through the confusing and often misleading marketing and sales messages out there. 2. I sold Vent-Frees to make money. Most every other dealer I have talked to sell them for the same reason...a selfish, capitalist reason...no other! It would be my guess that a majority of dealers who sell Vent-Free would not use them in their homes. Maybe Dr. Grill has slept with too many vent-frees to read the instructions which caution against using in sleeping areas, for long periods, as home heaters, etc. Dr. Grill talks about Carbon Dioxide...There is no "offical" standard for this gas in homes in the US, however, a reseacher on this list calculated that a 40,000 BTU Vent Free expelled the CO2 as 70 people breathing in the room. I'd say that's more that the "breath of a light smoker". In addition, the article talks about excesses of NO2, not CO2. NO2 has been linked to respiratory problems. I don't suppose that Dr. Grill or any consumers have an accurate way of measuring this gas in their homes and stores. I actually think that the Vent Free industry is breathing a sigh of relief that this article is now out. It might have been a lot worse if Consumers did long term, destructive and other real world tests. I would say the article is mildly positive. It leaves a Vent Free as an option to the consumer. So, the question is "do we think ALL the facts have been presented to the public RE: Vent Free?" Any intelligent person knows this is not the case. The industry has often tried to discredit, lobby or bulldoze their way around the many objections and questions that have come up. The industry has failed the customers and dealers by not commissioning independent, long term in-home testing. This was done on Pellet and Wood stoves...why not gas? In any case, Comsumer Reports has a lot of credibility - more than me, the gas lobby and Mr. Grill all put together. The article will be well read and quoted for many years. Nothing any of us can do about that. Your Friendly Moderator.... ------------------------------------------------------ Craig Issod HearthNet at http://www.hearth.com [email protected] Everything your Hearth Desires ------------------------------------------------------ Buddha says "avoid error" ------------------------------------------------------