Hearthlist Digest #534 - Sunday, November 19, 2000
Re: Lung Vented in  a Bedroom?
  by "Jim Hartsen" <[email protected]>
Re: Vent - Free in Bedroom
  by "Coosa Stove & Fireplace" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Re: Lung Vented in a Bedroom? From: "Jim Hartsen" <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 20:46:11 -0500   Vent free in a bedroom? I wouldn't put one in a dog house, I think more = of the dogs health than that. I'm sure glad somebody likes vent free "LUNG VENTED" heaters, think of the jobs that would be lost without them. Sure = we display them and sell them, but only with our famous in writing warrantee "We guarantee you will not like it" and that is written in red ink on = every sales slip. It totally amazes me that people still buy them, most come = back about a year later and tell us it was everything we told them. Now that they have sold it in the swap sheet they are ready to buy a good DV unit. We also tell people that the best place to buy an unvented heater is Home Depot or Lowes, because their is nobody in the building that knows = anything about them other than the price! Just my two cents, we do everything just a little crazy and off center at WHI. Jim Hartsen Williamson Hardware Inc.    
(back) Subject: Re: Vent - Free in Bedroom From: "Coosa Stove & Fireplace" <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 20:46:31 -0500   Thanks for the input - on the vent free in the bedroom issue - all of your concerns are mine as well. I just don't want to go there,   TB