Hearthlist Digest #506 - Thursday, October 5, 2000
Re: Living off the mix
  by "Ed Fackler" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Re: Living off the mix From: "Ed Fackler" <[email protected]> Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 20:22:32 -0400     > commodity fireplaces, round 6 > by "Tim Nissen" <[email protected]> > > >---------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Subject: commodity fireplaces, round 6 >From: "Tim Nissen" <[email protected]> >Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 20:12:30 -0400 > > >I am willing to concede Roger Sanders the last word on commodity >fireplaces....but not yet.   >or fans or logs or trim or annual service or remotes or upgrades. All of >those commodity fireplace homeowners need grills and patio furniture and >spas. That's also what I mean by "living off the mix." > >O.K. back to work. Bubba just sent someone in to see our burn model >commodity fireplace and I've got to make them see the light. > >Tim Nissen >Home Fire Stove >Salem, Oregon >[email protected] > > >---------------------------------------------------------------------- >End of Hearthlist Digest > >---------HearthList brought to you today by: Country Flame Technologies   Now listen, NIssen, you're not playing fair!! I knew you would pull something like this; you always do it.!!!   This is an emotional issue and we don't appreciate your bringing logic = into the picture!! We were prefectly happy going along our emotional way and = here you come with this high powered logic.   Just 'cause General Motors can get to be as big they are by" living off = the mix", like MacDonald's, Safeway, Nordstroms and a zillion others, doesn't mean the small guy can.   But, come to think of it, that damned Bubba is doing it too!!!   Can't trust anyone, nowadays!!!   'course, HNG or PW would never do a thing like that!!!   Edwin