Hearthlist Digest #339 - Monday, September 6, 1999
Selling over the net.
  by "Polly Barnes" <[email protected]>
internet sales, cont.
  by "tony" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Selling over the net. From: "Polly Barnes" <[email protected]> Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 11:56:24 -0500   Wake up folks, I sell over the net as Discount Stove & Fireplace, and we make a bigger effort at customer satisfaction on our web store than we do in our brick & mortar store. We try for 100% customer satisfaction in both places but allow for more customer goodwill on our web store. We offer a toll free number for them to call to get questions answered, and not just for stoves we sold. We help people all day long that have stoves from others stores. Sometimes it is just a phone number or place to call sometimes it is technical advise. We send out parts that are not covered under warranty just to keep our customers happy, we also try to make calls for them if there are problems with their delivery. We are far from perfect but we are here trying to do a good job not just taking the money and running. I know that all the web stores don't operate this way but neither do all the brick and mortar stores. There is not one issue that can be discussed as being a problem selling on the net that won't also come up with a brick and mortar store selling as cash and carry. Should we then not allow those types of sales. The items that Jim said should not be sold over the net, do you install 100% of those items in your brick and mortar store? If you do, great and congratulations. If not you have the same problems as selling them over the net. I have been in the Hearth business for almost 20 years, I was just in the wood stove business, then we added fireplaces, then fireplace doors, and then gas products, times change. Brad Barnes Discount Stove & Fireplace [email protected]        
(back) Subject: internet sales, cont. From: [email protected] (tony) Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 12:16:04 -0500   O.K. here's my 2 cents: 1.The majority of successful internet sales seem to consist of CD's. books, electronic items , garden supplies and collectibles. All pretty innocuous stuff requiring no service per se.   2.It is a rare hearth sale I make that doesn't require an actual service call after the fact. Sometimes, a week later, sometimes a month or a year later. Pilots need to be adjusted, venting needs troubleshooting, flame impingement, bad valves, too many embers, bad burn pattern....   3.Some of the above problems can be insurance nightmares at the least or life threatening at the worst. I don't think they can be answered or solved with on line manuals or FAQ's on a web page.   4.The nature of this industry is that no one wants to work on a product they haven't sold or installed, so where is this long distance customer going to get service? Before long, they will wish they never bought "Brand X" and flood the mfr with calls/complaints, hence Travis Industries strict internet policy.   Just because the medium (internet) exists and it can be done doesn't mean it's a valid way to sell GAS hearth products. Anthony Palmer