Hearthlist Digest #336 - Friday, September 3, 1999
Re:Log set bought over the net and unsupported
  by "Skip Jackson" <[email protected]>
HVAC/Hearth Sales
  by "Jeff Palmer" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Re:Log set bought over the net and unsupported From: Skip Jackson <[email protected]> Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 09:30:28 -0500   Dear Jim, My reply is, "Steve, I am sorry you are having these difficulties. My liability insurance will not allow me to service a project with which I am unfamiliar. Please come into my showroom and I will show you my log sets." Anything more than that is foolharty. I might sell him my burner to put under his logs, but check that his grate fits over your burner or your grate fits the logs. Skip Jackson Fireside Cincinnati Ohio        
(back) Subject: HVAC/Hearth Sales From: Jeff Palmer <[email protected]> Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 15:17:01 -0500   It has been pretty quiet in here lately. I hope that means that everybody is busy and making a living.   Out of curiosity, what kind of an impact, if any, has the HVAC industry had on your local fireplace market, both new construction and remodel? How do you see it changing in the near future? Is it a concern that companies like Heatilator and Heat-n-Glo are marketing an identical unit (with different labeling), and channeling the distribution through HVAC wholesalers?   On another note. Does anybody know how to get in touch with Pete Kalshoven. If you would e-mail me with info, I would appreciate it.   Last note, after spending about 100k on new software, and some hardware, I feel that we are ready for y2k. Seems to me like the public is far less paniked than a year ago. Any thoughts?   Thanks for your time