Hearthlist Digest #186 - Monday, August 10, 1998
Re: Vent Frees
  by "Polly Barnes" <[email protected]>
Pilgrim needs beta testers
  by "Jim Butchart" <[email protected]>
Special Dealer Info
  by "Sue Kalish" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Re: Vent Frees From: "Polly Barnes" <[email protected]> (by way of [email protected] (David Issod)) Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 22:15:59 -0400 (EDT)   How about the VC Catalytic Vent Free? I think that is eons ahead of the others. I personally cannot smell anything from that stove. Polly        
(back) Subject: Pilgrim needs beta testers From: "Jim Butchart" <[email protected]> (by way of [email protected] (David Issod)) Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 22:16:57 -0400 (EDT)   Pilgrim Hearth Wares has completed the beta phase of its online ordering system. When you visit the site you will see that anyone can configure a custom screen and get a price, but only a registered dealer can place an order.   We would like to invite all of you net-heads to test the system and leave your comments and suggestions. In this beta phase we won't put the orders into production so go ahead and make up whatever you want.   The address is http://www.pilgrim-online.com   Jim Butchart [email protected]        
(back) Subject: Special Dealer Info From: Sue Kalish <[email protected]> (by way of [email protected] (David Issod)) Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 17:48:24 -0400 (EDT)   Notice to Dealers! Don't forget to purchase your copy of the HPA Retail Sales Training Program. This training tool was specifically created to teach specialty dealer sales associates the fine art and science of making sales. Don't have time to teach your new people how to sell hearth products? Want to make sure that you cover all the points of a successful sale? This training program was designed just for you. Call Sue Kalish at 703-522-0086 to order to obtain more information. Don't let your competition make the sale you should have made. Be ready for fall!   Borrowing from the Publishers' Clearinghouse - Watch your mail for HPA's newest member benefit. HPA is currently working with Business Resources Services, Seattle, WA on a study of retail operating performance for dealers in the US and Canada. Financial medians and operating ratios for the group as a whole will be published as well as sorts based on sales volume, geographic region, and a high profit group. This survey is an outgrowth of several very popular financial management seminars taught by Pat McGraw at the Reno and St. Louis EXPOs. There simply is not any reliable industry data nor case studies at this time. As seasonal specialty retail businesses, hearth stores face some unique challenges and opportunities in managing their financials and maximizing their return. However, in order to publish a report, HPA needs you to participate. Please follow the instructions in the package you should receive this week. All information will remain confidential. All completed questionnaires will be sent directly to BRS for analysis and tabulation. Special incentives apply if you send in your completed questionnaire by September 15th. If you have any questions, call Sue Kalish at HPA. Remember, if dealers don't submit their data, there will be no industry report. According to evaluations received in St. Louis, generating industry data is a benefit that many of our dealers want. Thanks.