Hearthlist Digest #183 - Thursday, August 6, 1998
Special Edition
  by "Craig Issod" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Special Edition From: Craig Issod <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 18:51:04 -0500   This list posting is a special edition from the "list mom" (Craig Issod), with some comments, introductions and other rantings.   List Postings....   All the list postings look OK lately, but as those with sharp eyes may notice, I edit the "subject" line. Here's why:   When you simply respond to an existing email in your mail program, it puts in a subject line like:   RE: Hearthlist Digest #12345   Of course, this subject does not tell us anything, and a list of these same subject headings at the top of our daily digest is even worse. So, I change the subjects to reflect what is in the email.   I would like members of this list to do my work for me. This is easy...when you reply or post to the list, simply type in a new subject that relates to the idea at hand..for instance: RE: Owner-Builders 0r Comment about iMac Computers   or any such subject.   In addition, if you are quoting an earlier email, do not quote the entire list or email if it does not pertain to your subject. Just cut the parts out that are relevant and quote those. This conserves bandwidth on the internet and in our heads (and eyes)..because we don't have to read through as much junk to get to the meat.   All that said, I'll still fix 'em up if they come in wrong or long...just keep them coming!   New HearthNet Tenant   I'd like to welcome KA-HEAT of Canada to our HearthNet products page at http://hearth.com/prod.html. They make a full line of the European Style Tile Stoves, both portable and built-in. As far as I know, they are one of the few North American manufacturers of these specialty items...give then a look.   HearthNet Traffic and Commercial Opportunities   Yes, the year 2000 is going to be good to this industry. Traffic on HearthNet is WAY up from last year at this time... We are now seeing as many as 18,000 file hits per day, up from 10,000 at this time last year - an 80% increase. It seems to be building fast. Our goal for 98/99 is well over 50,000 file hits on our busy days and it appears we will reach that.   If you are a manufacturer or retailer who wants to get more out of your internet site...or if you want us to create, host and promote a site for you, give me a ring. Email [email protected] or call 609-654-7140   Computer Stuff   Well, I'm holding on to my Apple Stock. Now that Rodger is becoming a convert, I think it's a bullish sign.   Yes, the iMac is perfect for Retail stores, POS , etc. It's also perfect for students, parents, first timers and a large other segment of the population. Everything is included, software, high speed networking, modem, monitor, etc. It is designed to hook to the internet and an office or home network in no time flat.   But I hope Rodger does not forget the regular G3 Apple line. The prices on some models were just cut , so a desktop unit can now be had as low as $1299. (no monitor). This is quite a speed demon, equal to, or better, than a 350-400 MHZ Pentium...plus you get the Mac's ease of setup and use.   No one argues the point that the current Apple line is faster than any Pentium, both on the desktop AND notebook end.   Time is money, and few would deny that extra hours are required to configure and fiddle with Windows computers. A bargain today can cost plenty later.   As far as my obsolete Macs go, I'm an advocate of staying behind the curve. I don't even have an Apple G3, I get by with a 7600/132 with a 200 MHZ Processor Upgrade. There is NOTHING I want to do that it can't do, including editing full motion video, etc.   That "obsolete" $799.00 Mac that my son has is a 200 MHZ model, and is twice as fast as the even older Macs we use to run Stoveworks. Also, this email list software, along with the HearthNet Q and A database and many other programs run on an older Mac hooked to a T1 internet line. Check it out at: http://chi.hearth.com/search.html   It's fairly fast at database searches and page rendering considering that you are reaching it over your slow dial-up connection.   In my experience, Macs remain useable much longer than Windows machines. For instance, a Mac IIsi that has served us for 9 years just gave up the ghost (hard drive) last week. We also use an 8 year old LCII for all our accounting..it handles it with ease. 68040 and older Powermacs round out the store network.   Not that I'm telling anyone to buy old used computers, but it's nice to know that you'll get 4-8 years out of your Macs as opposed to the 2-3 year upgrade cycle that many Windows users feel pressured into.   That's it for now....     ------------------------------------------------------ Craig Issod HearthNet at http://www.hearth.com [email protected] Everything your Hearth Desires ------------------------------------------------------ Buddha says "avoid error" ------------------------------------------------------