Hearthlist Digest #172 - Saturday, July 25, 1998
Re: Computer Programs
  by "Pat Kerr" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Re: Computer Programs From: "Pat Kerr" <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 13:47:47 -0500   We are quite happy with MYOB as an all-purpose accounting, payroll, inventory, estimate and sales tool. We have recently upgraded to the network version (peer-to-peer) and can access the same data from any one of three separate terminals. Given our hardware limitations, the downstairs terminal is not Speedy Gonzales, but we can check inventory, enter sales etc., at the same time that the bookeeper is making entries upstairs and do estimates etc on my office terminal.. If only it would automatically tag PO's to customer sales, but that is a small complaint. MYOB is created by BestWare, US and Canadian versions available for Macs or PCs. Pat Kerr Sunworks Hawkesbury Ontario   This message was sent or forwarded to you by Pat Kerr Sunworks Incorporated Hawkesbury Ontario   [email protected] [email protected]