Hearthlist Digest #314 - Thursday, June 17, 1999
Travis Internet Policy....
  by "Craig Issod" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Travis Internet Policy.... From: Craig Issod <[email protected]> Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 20:06:04 -0400   Below is a statement from Travis Industries regarding their position on Internet sales. This is an important subject - and one in which there is no "right" or "wrong". Each company will do what they think is in their best interest...   The same applies to catalog sales. Companies like Travis, with extensive dealer networks, probably have lots to lose and little to gain by selling through catalogs, big box stores and direct internet....however, there are many Hearth Products manufacturers who do not have extensive distribution...and will probably benefit by both direct internet/catalog sales and the empowering of their resellers to do the same. It'll be interesting to see how it all shakes out after a couple years - One thing is for sure - Tens of Millions of dollars of hearth products WILL be sold yearly directly and indirectly through the power of the internet. This number is likely to grow by leaps and bounds over the next 5-10 years...   Quote Begins....   Internet Selling Advisory     Travis Industries is a firm believer in the power of technology to help us grow and manage our business more efficiently. We understand and believe in the power of the Internet. As you well know, Travis Industries maintains a web site to help inform and interest the public in buying our products through your store. However, we are strongly opposed to the Specialty Hearth Stores selling of Travis Industries' products over the Internet beyond your agreed upon sales territory.   My reasoning is based on the fact that selling outside one's agreed upon sales territory puts our product reputation and the end users at undo risk. We do not make a "plug and play product". Sales without service, or the availability of qualified professional installations, violates the long standing agreements that Travis Industries has worked to develop within its dealer organization. Selling a stove over the Internet without the prerequisite installation support, proper operating technique and scheduled maintenance training of the end user raises serious liability issues for both the selling dealer and Travis industries. We will not allow our good reputation to be compromised.   Beginning July 1, 1999, any dealer who uses the Internet to sell a Travis Industries' product outside of his or her agreed upon sales territory is doing so with the knowledge that they jeopardize his or her dealership of Travis Industries' products. A notice will be forth coming and the dealer in violation will have 30 days to cease or forfeit their dealership privileges.   It is my continued belief that our mutual success depends upon locally geographical representation of our products. This representation will continue to be successful with the support and efforts of the trained, professional Specialty Hearth Dealer.         Kurt W. F. Rumens President Travis Industries, Inc. June 16, 1999   ____________ end quote....