Hearthlist Digest #461 - Friday, June 16, 2000 Hearth Dealers - Offers You Shouldn't Refuse From HEARTH/HPA by "Sue Kalish" <[email protected]>
(back) Subject: Hearth Dealers - Offers You Shouldn't Refuse From HEARTH/HPA From: "Sue Kalish" <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 18:27:50 -0400 1. The deadline for participating in the HPA Retailer Benchmark Study has been extended to June 30, 2000. All you have to do to participate is answer a few general questions about your business, then put that answer sheet along with your 1999 year-end financials into the envelope addressed to BRS recently sent to you by HPA. There is no cost to participate. All financial data will be kept in the strictest confidence by BRS. Why should you take the few moments to do this? You will receive a copy of the industry benchmark study that evaluates the industry and provides information on the industry's profit leaders, to show exactly what drives better financial performance. And, you'll get the opportunity to purchase a customized report for your business that identifies explicit action items you can implement immediately to improve your bottom line for the low, low price of $99. (That's much cheaper than an accountant or consultant.) If you have questions, call HPA's Don Johnson at 703-522-0086, ext 46. 2. HEARTH/HPA recently published a new guide, Professional Service is Profitable: Developing and Managing a Profitable Installation and Service Department. The guide is a service department management tool to help dealers set objectives and manage scarce resources (people, time, products) in the service process to earn a good return on their investment. HEARTH will send a copy of this guide, FREE, to the first two dealers who e-mail me. - What's the hitch? You have to review the guide and provide HEARTH with a written review of the guide that gives dealers the most compelling reasons for them to buy this guide. The review must include quotes, call to action comments, and anything you think will convince dealers that this is the best thing since sliced bread and that every dealer must own one. You must allow HEARTH to use your name and organization and the review in its promotion of the guide. HEARTH needs to receive your comments/review within 10 days after you are sent the book. Is anyone interested? E-mail Sue Kalish at [email protected]. Thanks.