Hearthlist Digest #295 - Tuesday, May 4, 1999 RE:HPA show comments by "John Crouch" <[email protected]>
(back) Subject: RE:HPA show comments From: "John Crouch" <[email protected]> (by way of Craig Issod) Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 12:28:59 -0400 A comment for "Tony" of [email protected], RE: >My biggest complaint, and I do mean complaint, is that the show is not >long enough. Tony, I hope you have filled out an attendee evaluation form. The trade show committee is dying to hear feedback, but they need feedback they can quantify. EVERY Hearthlist subscriber whose company did not fill out either an attendee, or an exhibitor form needs to go to: http://www.hearthassociation.org/EXPOsurvey.html for attendees, OR, http://www.hearthassociation.org/ExhibitorSurvey.html for exhibitors, and PLEASE fill one out! As for the length of the show, I spend all my time in meetings, like most of the "program" staff of the HPA, but I think back to my time as a retailer and wonder how anyone can really see, and think about, everything there is to see. I 'hear' comments, like tony's, that the show is too short, but most exhibitors were saying on their evaluations that the Monday morning portion of the show was wasted, and that virtually no retailers stayed for that. Evaluations from people who really did used to stay for Monday (and can site shows that they stayed the extra time for), and from people who stayed until the end on Sunday, would be really helpful. Other suggestions would help also. Is anyone interested in an evening period in the outdoor burn area? Should the Outdoor burn area be opened a half day latter than the indoor booths? Should the show start on Thursday, or Thursday at noon? Hearthnet is a useful forum for ideas, and Craig has obviously hit a good topic here, let's keep this discussion going, AND PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM! Also, While Rick Valahoos IS a good rep, I'll bet he is not the only one. Hearthlist is a wonderful forum for 'pat's on the back', ESPECIALLY to the independent reps. SO... retailers, are there any other good reps out there in HearthLand? FireWorks...For All of Us John Crouch Director of Government Relations Hearth Products Association [email protected] www.hearthassoc.org