Hearthlist Digest #438 - Thursday, April 6, 2000
re:  Recent article in Hearth and Home - Vent Free Products
  by <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: re: Recent article in Hearth and Home - Vent Free Products From: <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 13:40:44 -0400   Responding to the recent article in April's Hearth and Home -   This article has quite a slant "for" Vent-free products or as we refer to them "Room-vented". That is what they really are, when you think about = it.   I was quoted incorrectly. The quote stated that we sell vented products = for the dollar value of the sale and if a customer wants ventless, then okay.   This is NOT what I told the author of the story. We spent about 30 = minutes on the phone and what I described to him was a different view than was = told.   Points I made, not published -   We hear complaints from room vented fireplaces and logs, whether we've = sold them or they were purchased from others. Complaints include odors, = moisture and too much heat, thus a fire can't be enjoyed on a 40 degree evening. = At a recent Home and Garden Show, countless consumers would stop in our booth = and ask "can I do anything with my ventless fireplace?" They would go on to explain their problems of moisture, "black stuff," odors, looks, etc. A common question that simply frightens me -- "Can I buy a couple of logs = and some embers to put on my ventless logs to make them look better?" We, of course, explain they can't. How many consumers go elsewhere and "fix up" their logs? The answer -- plenty. (As an industry, we must ask this question and others then find the answers.)   In our market, Builders are moving AWAY from room-vented fireplaces to = vented products. Several large apartment builders recently told us, "No more ventless fireplaces in my units, I'm tired of the problems!" Single = family builders also are not happy with the room-vented fireplaces. Many = builders had used ventless as a 2nd fireplace in a rec room, Florida room or living room. They are telling us -- "I want something vented, my customers = aren't happy."   We have removed 14 room-vented fireplaces in the past 1 1/2 years for builders and homeowners and replaced them with either cash back or vented products.   Now we explain the "good, bad and ugly" regarding room vented products to consumers and builders. If they insist -- we will furnish them the = product. Most times, a vented product is purchased. It won't be long before our Companies will not handle room-vented fireplaces. Business dictated we handle them (or so we thought). Now our market demands - Vented = Fireplaces   Vented products do increase sales and profits. We have opportunities to offer venting, glass doors, other products and services. Not only are = vented fireplaces better for the consumer, they are better for the distributor = and dealer. This is called -- "Win - Win"!       Michael Whiteman President/CEO JMW Products, L.L.C. Colonial Fireplaces The Fireside Shops