Hearthlist Digest #431 - Friday, March 24, 2000 Re:Parties at HPA by <[email protected]> Re:Gossip by "by way of Craig Issod" <[email protected]> HPA show review by "tony" <[email protected]>
(back) Subject: Re:Parties at HPA From: <[email protected]> Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 10:35:53 -0500 I'd personally like to thank: the Earth Stove (& associated companies) AFC Wholesale and Aladdin Hearth Products for the great parties... Dan, Comfort 1 ____________________________________________________________________ Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=3D1
(back) Subject: Re:Gossip From: "by way of Craig Issod" <[email protected]> Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 10:37:31 -0500 At 03:35 PM 03/23/2000 , you wrote: > OK, where's the show gossip? > by "Craig Issod" <[email protected]> >---------------------------------------------------------------------- Well Craig, it will take me a few days to put my thoughts together now that I have finished opening my mail ...... but you will hear from me soon with my commentary about ICC's "Durafable" mis-step on the showfloor as well as my opinions on the me toos at the show and a few standouts>>>>> This year I had my picture taken with Perry during my annual non-dealer trip through Travisland. (I hope it doesn't get used in any advertisements.) Everything was kinda down hill from that. But I'll do my best to spice it all up . And as soon as a few of my un-named friends (hey ya you) send me their learned assigned evaluations on the Best electric fire >>>> the Best Gas Grill >>>> the Most hideous of stove style deigns >>> the worst beer served >>> the Coldest outdoor Party >>> and the total count of Chimineas shown at the show >>>> I will have my report ready. As an added value >>>>> I thought that I would take a moment to make an offer to all those lurkers on the list who would just love to speak out but are afraid that they might say something that would be taken as serious>>>>. If you have something >>> anything to say about the show send me your comments and I will sneak them in like I said it..... I never worry about offending someone if it is all in fun or intended. Ken Fulgione P.S. I learned that you should not sell on the Internet >>>> leave it all for = me. ____________________________________ Visit the Leisure Home Center FIRE - LIGHT & CASUAL COMFORT http://www.leisurehome.com 1-715-835-2112 1-888-295-FIRE VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV UNITED BUYERS Forging a Stronger Fire
(back) Subject: HPA show review From: "tony" <[email protected]> Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 10:38:07 -0500 1.Burn booths were quite a hike away. I like to see a product indoors, then go see it outdoors right away, while it's on my mind. The distance prohibited this. 2.Peterson and Travis get the award for the best parties! 3.HeatnGlo gets the award for best new products (the "kitchen" fireplace, the diamond shape and the rumford type) 4.Extra day (Thursday) for show was sorely needed and appreciated. Tony Palmer